Monroe Community Groups

Monroe Community Groups (MCGs), previously called Local Chapters, are run by inspired volunteers from all around the world who play a key role in helping us to achieve our mission as a leader in the field of consciousness exploration and evolution through personal transformation.

The purpose of a Monroe Community Group is to build community. These independent communities provide continuing support for program graduates as they integrate their Monroe Institute experiences into their daily lives and continue their exploration of consciousness.  The MCG may also provide a point of contact for others wishing to learn more about the Monroe Institute, its programs, and the exploration of consciousness.

People gather at meetings around the world (either in person or virtually) to listen to commercially available Hemi-Sync® and Monroe Sound Science (MSS)™ or Expand app audio exercises and discuss their experiences in a supportive group setting, or they may simply wish to gather socially to discuss the Monroe Institute and various subjects, such as consciousness and spiritual development. 

The gatherings are usually run by one or two people.  The leader of the Group will receive mentoring and ongoing support from the Outreach Leadership Council, if desired.  Meetings can be held virtually, in person, or a hybrid of both. You, as the leader, can decide what is best for you. In person meetings can be at a person’s home, in a restaurant, a library or any public space. 

Many of the community groups began meeting online during COVID and have continued having meetings over Zoom because they can reach so many more people. There are also groups that hold local meetings in person, and some who do both.  This is noted by each group listing.

We’d like to invite you to join one of our area-wide online groups, another virtual group, the community in your area, or to start your own group.

To find a group near you, select your region below for the contact details of your group leader to get more information. We hope to see you soon.

If you have any questions, please email the Outreach Leadership Council at The Council members are all volunteers, so it may take a couple of days to receive a response. 

Outreach Leadership Council:

  • Jane Coleman
  • Mark Crewson
  • Barbara Jones
  • Dominik Kociecki
  • Sky Pelletier Waterpeace

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