We are used to hearing astounding stories from Monroe participants about the fluid nature of reality. Like you, we never tire of them! Thanks to Sol Davidson of North London, England, here's one we think you'll really enjoy.

Sol had been an executive coach since 1985, working with high-level clients, leaders in their fields, who needed to operate consistently and constantly at the tops of their games. He had no thought to exploring expanded awareness or reality beyond the physical.

Then, in 1992, Sol's CEO set out to raise the bar—to elevate her staff to "super coaches." She sent everyone to the Monroe Institute in Virginia to attend an advanced program designed specifically for them, to accomplish that objective. Sol and his teammates were the only participants. They lay in their CHEC units in the Nancy Penn Center during exercises. Each coach also received a custom-guided Personal Resource Exploration Program (PREP) session in the lab isolation booth. Sol had no idea what he was getting into.

On day four, he was enjoying the deep relaxation in an exercise when his father ... who had died seven years earlier, showed up.

On day four, he was enjoying the deep relaxation in an exercise when his father, who had been the power engineer for the Hydro Electric Commission in Tasmania, Australia, and who had died seven years earlier, showed up. Sol's dad appeared shocked and concerned because "they" hadn’t known Sol was coming and weren’t prepared. He told Sol he was working with hydrogen as a fuel for Earth. He showed Sol a device, the "central processor," then said he had to leave for a meeting and disappeared.

Sol wrote off the experience as the capriciousness of his unconscious mind and promptly dismissed it, soon forgetting it entirely. Two years later, reading "The Times" at home, he was shocked to see an article on the Ford fuel cell prototype. The image in the paper was identical to the drawing his father had shown him in 1992. Sol realized, "Oh, my God, there’s something huge happening here!" He immediately bought hydrogen fuel cell stock which, years later, has done very well.

Sol was guided to attend Monroe's virtual Near-Death Experience retreat in December. He thought perhaps he would meet his father again.

Sol no longer provides formal executive coaching. He now works with young men, introducing them to “the journey.” He coaches his clients to put their experiences into deeper contexts and to use expanded states of consciousness as a path to personal happiness and success.

Fast-forward to 2020. Sol was guided to attend Monroe's virtual Near-Death Experience retreat in December. He thought perhaps he would meet his father again. Instead, the unmistakable presence of Guidance spoke up. “Your voice is too important down there. Stop trying. You're a beam of light. Let that shine.”

Great advice for all of us!

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Sol Davidson

Monroe program graduate

Sol Davidson is a Monroe program graduate and leadership mentor. After working for the United Nations and as a consultant to the Australian government, Mr Davidson became an executive coach, guiding clients to build leadership capacity and convert breakdowns into breakthroughs. He is currently working as a volunteer with young men and introducing them to “the journey.”