There’s something about working in deep states of awareness and sharing intimate experiences with like-minded people that opens us up—expands our heart energy. It’s a magnificent feeling. Profound personal connections, both physical and nonphysical, occur during Monroe programs and last a lifetime. These connections happen so frequently that there used to be a name for them—Monromances.

Steve and Deryn Winchester, two of Monroe’s brilliant program trainers, discovered their connection, their Monromance, when they attended the very first “New Year “ Retreat.  Deryn and Steve generously agreed to share with you the story of their fun and profound Love Connection.

Love is a small word with vast meaning and an infinite range of expressions. We loved reading Chase Carey’s story. He beautifully captures the magic of a love connection that happens in a flash and lasts forever—

Yes, well, this certainly happened to me one crisp February afternoon long ago, in the Fox Den of the Nancy Penn Center. Life partner was not to be, so soul friend I suppose.  Not in touch much anymore yet my life, and everything in it, changed forever that day and the months and years following.  A sweet encounter I will forever cherish.  In those days such joining was referred to as a "Mon-romance," but it was, for me, so much more than that. It was a rescue.  The Monroe Institute, the most sacred spot in my heart.

How many of you have experienced something similar?

Then, there are big, strong Love Connections on a global scale—reaching out, generating and strengthening energy fields through affinity and acceptance, inviting and welcoming one and all. The ripple effect is alive and well through these three worldwide organizations:

  • The Outreach Program holding weekend Monroe workshops when travel is safe
  • The Local Chapter Network (LCN) hosting free virtual meetings for program grads and interested people
  • the Dolphin Energy Club (DEC) offering healing energy support on request.

Since the Monroe Institute first began hosting consciousness explorers in the Gateway Voyage program—long before we offered the 30+ retreat options we have today—the Love Connection has been alive and well among participants.

There’s nothing like love to spread light in the world.

Don't Wait! Sign up for Gateway Voyage today.
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Monroe Institute

The world's leading education center for the study of human consciousness.

For over 40 years the Monroe Institute has been welcoming consciousness explorers from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows you to pursue your own personal exploration of human consciousness.