It’s natural to want to find your path in life. You may feel lost, while believing everyone else knows where they are headed and what they want to do. Or you may be overwhelmed by an abundance of things you want to experience. I know I want to do it all, so I get stuck sometimes wondering where to start or where to move forward in my life. Which path is the right one for me to take? This feeling of uncertainty can create the need to over-control, or force a decision or act on something we may not be ready to act on. So, if you find yourself feeling this way, relax and release the judgement, find the "flow."

Releasing judgement

Living in a modern society, you learn “how the world works” at an early age, and begin to believe truths (and some things that are less than true) about the world. How you're raised, the opinions of others, our immediate environments and the beliefs of those closest to us can easily color our thoughts and opinions. They can sometimes give us blinders to our own paths. These preconceived notions, while meant to protect you, can also limit your potential. For you to find your own truths, it is important to begin paying attention to what you honestly perceive, what your own guidance is saying to you and what your natural instincts are telling you.

It’s easier said than done, but finding your path means trying new experiences and not feeling ashamed to be open to new ideas.

Many of us immediately judge ourselves for attempting to meditate and connect with our higher selves. It’s easier said than done, but finding your path means trying new experiences and not feeling ashamed to be open to new ideas. It also means shedding ideas that are no longer serving you. Learn to embrace and love your journey and not compare yourself to anyone around you. Try aiming your focus inward and not at anyone or anything external. Personally, I’ve found that the Monroe Institute teaches unlearning patterns that no longer serve you in programs such as MC Squared, and I think that’s an important lesson to learn.

On the same hand, be open to new ideas, begin asking questions about how the world works, considering more than what you’ve been told. Clear your mind of clutter. And, if you’re reading this, it seems like you may already be on this path. To continue from here, begin listening to your own guidance.

Having fluidity in life by listening to your intuition

We are all connected to guidance as we live our lives. There is always guidance surrounding us and providing us with insights every time we make a choice. Sometimes though, it isn't easy for us to hear this guidance. The world around us can be loud, so the quiet voices of our guides can quickly become shrouded. So, the first step in listening to your guidance and connecting to your natural intuition is to quiet your mind and listen.

...the easiest way for many to do this is through meditation. ... the Monroe Institute offers a wide variety of free meditations via the Expand app to help you get started.  

Of course, the easiest way for many to do this is through meditation. It’s important to find a quiet place where you can relax and be comfortably still to meditate. Keep it simple and start your journey with short meditations, building your practice gradually. The Monroe Institute offers a wide variety of free meditations via the Expand app to help you get started, as well as to find and listen to your guidance. I recommend starting a meditation session daily that runs for about 10 minutes, then expanding the time as you grow into your practice and better connect with yourself.

Some hear a quiet voice. Others just “know” things. Some see scenes play out before them or feel communication as body sensation. All of these are ways you could be receiving information from your guides.

The more you become used to being “alone’’ with yourself in meditation, the more you will feel the connection to your own intuition. You will begin to understand how you receive guidance. Some hear a quiet voice. Others just “know” things. Some see scenes play out before them, hear a voice or feel communication as body sensation. All of these are ways you could be receiving information from your guides. Once you discover your own process and how you can connect to your higher self, you will be more open to feeling, seeing or hearing this guidance as you live your daily life.

As you regularly communicate with your guides, you'll begin to be able to easily pause throughout the day and instantly connect with guidance to help you come to the most beneficial choices for yourself. You’ll also be able to quickly “feel” or “sense” warnings or important messages Guidance sends to you that you previously would have ignored or shrugged off.

After enough time listening to your own guidance and trying different types of meditation, you'll be able to connect with your higher self and be gently guided down the right path for you.

Your higher self is going to send you messages, breakthroughs and lessons when you are ready for them and not before.

Letting go of control

As we live our lives in a fast-paced world, our society teaches us that control is important. The more control we have, the more we feel safe and rewarded. But this isn’t always the best way to live. In fact, it’s important to let go of the need to "over-control" as you go down your path in life. Your higher self is going to send you messages, breakthrough information and lessons when you are ready for them and not before. Almost everyone wants to control their journey and schedule when they will have a breakthrough, but that’s not how it works. To truly follow your path, you need to live fluidly. You need to go with the flow of what your guidance is telling you. You will not be able to choose when you receive a message. Accepting that, relinquishing control, shedding judgment and fluidly following your path is how you will come to know that you are living the life that is meant for you.

Just wanting to connect with your higher self is an acknowledgment that your journey has already started. So, take the time to get to know yourself, meditate daily and begin finding your path. You may be surprised by where it leads you.

GATEWAY GRADUATES: Super charge your guidance connection in Monroe's Guidelines.


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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.