It can be hard for people to combine meditation and work in their minds. The typical job can easily induce feelings of stress, frustration and chaos, depending on where one works. However, I’ve found meditation to be a very important tool in helping me to effectively complete my daily tasks, especially when working from home. 

I find daily meditations just the thing to help focus my work days and stay prioritized.

In a recent study conducted by the Martec Group, only 16 percent of employees enjoyed working from home. The others, categorized in one group or another, felt that their jobs were harder and that it was much more difficult to keep life and work separate when working from home. Other studies show that most employees are not great at time management and can have trouble accomplishing their workloads, even while in an office environment. 

Even just doing a quick unguided mindfulness session can reset the mind and clear it for the day ahead, allowing you to have more focus.

It sounds like, whether working from home or a professional environment, people need a little guidance and motivation to complete their daily work. I find daily meditations just the thing to help focus my work days and stay prioritized. Here are just some of the benefits of a daily meditation session and what it can do for your workload.  

Clear Your Head and Stay Focused

As I mentioned above, I start my day with a quick meditation, in which I set my daily intentions. The first reason I do this is to clear my head of clutter. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, my mind is all over the place. It isn’t just thinking about what I have to accomplish for work on that day but also about fifteen other things that have nothing to do with my daily tasks at hand. So, by beginning with a meditation session from the Expand App (and I usually conduct the “5 Minute Patterning for Your Day” exercise), I am able to clear my head to allow myself to stay focused on what’s important. Before I begin the exercise, I get comfortable and do my Monroe preparatory process. This instantly clears my head. Even just doing a quick unguided mindfulness session can reset the mind and clear it for the day ahead, allowing you to have more focus. I think this is the most important benefit that comes from a daily pre-work meditation session. 

Prioritize and Visualize Your Day Ahead

This is where that “5 Minute Patterning for Your Day” exercise comes in handy. After my mind is clear, I see all tasks that must be completed for the day, and I mentally organize them. I visualize my ideal day, including not only what needs to be done for work, but also seeing breaks and other tasks or activities placed throughout my day that I need for my own sanity. I’ve found that by visualizing the perfectly productive day, it’s more likely to come to fruition. The more detailed I am, the clearer and easier my daily tasks become. 

Set Clear Goals for Yourself 

At this point in my morning routine, I am focused, and I have a clear list of my priorities and how I want my day to go. Then, I will set clear goals for myself. This is where I see what’s realistic to accomplish and I create the list of what I’m going to do for the day. If my day seems overwhelming, I simply cut out the least important tasks and move them aside for another day. By setting clear goals, I am able to take the focus I’ve gathered and aim it towards my priorities to ensure I accomplish the necessary goals. 

By clearing my head, prioritizing and visualizing my day and setting clear goals for myself, I find that I can accomplish much more, and higher quality, work while still feeling focused and calm. 

Now, there is nothing left to do but trust myself! Trusting that I will accomplish what I need is crucial for a successful day. Now, if I stay focused and don’t get through my whole list, I’ll know my limits and can adjust them in the upcoming days. 

While this type of daily meditation may be different from “normal'' meditation sessions, I find it crucial in setting my days up for success. By clearing my head, prioritizing and visualizing my day and setting clear goals for myself, I find that I can accomplish much more, and higher quality, work while still feeling focused and calm. 

Perhaps, over the course of this upcoming week, you can break out of your comfort zone and try a daily morning meditation session.

It’s important to find the right daily meditation routine for you, especially if you’re struggling with productivity. I find meditations that can focus your energy and intentions are almost always beneficial to any workday. Perhaps, over the course of this upcoming week, you can break out of your comfort zone and try a daily morning meditation session. Scroll through the meditations offered in the Expand app and see if one calls out to you. I would bet that if you are drawn to a particular meditation, it may just add a sense of ease to your workdays.  

Wondering where to start? Download Monroe's Expand meditation app. It's free.


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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.