After my first Gateway Voyage week at The Monroe Institute I kept returning, not only because of what I was discovering about myself, both my I-ness and the expanded state of Winter that went beyond any title, but rather, I liked the fact that when asked a question about his adventures, Bob (Monroe) would say, “You go find out. Then come back and tell me.”

Taking that advice to heart, I felt free to venture beyond any and everything I had ever imagined. In the beginning, despite my degree in psychology, I didn’t have a clue about consciousness, mind, spirit, energy, or anything else we might list here.  

Because I had the ability to go into a deep, relaxed state and talk about what was taking place, I was asked to take part in the second group of Explorers. Subsequently, the many hours I spent in the booth listening to the soft voice of Rita Warren asking questions through my headset, gave me the best education I ever had.

What better way to learn about “you” in all of your many facets: your body, your mind, your spirit … than to become an explorer and discover for yourself?

My time in the booth gave me both the desire for and the foundation for our medical intuition program.  What better way to learn about “you” in all of your many facets: your body, your mind, your spirit … than to become an explorer and discover for yourself?

You are probably wondering what you could take away from a class with the title of Medical Intuition. My hope would be that you become an “Explorer.” That you get out of yourself, that you go beyond the realm of your separate “I-ness” and allow room for something true and useful to arise that the “I” can not create. That you discover the “observer” and the “observer” behind the observer, as I have found.

In music, our mind fills in the space between the notes, creating what we hear.  And in that space … lies everything.

And in the process, you might just discover the pause between your thoughts, “the space between the notes.” In music, our mind fills in the space between the notes, creating what we hear. And in that space … lies everything.

Or, I could simply suggest that you could learn to relax, releasing hormones that may well repair and heal your body; that you may possibly experience a flow, another dimension, that could help you see yourself and others more clearly.

During the class you can:

  • Harness your dreams for healing
  • Learn to think about illness symbolically
  • Discern between ego and intuition
  • Use metaphor to transform symptoms
  • Be trained to use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to change the beliefs your body carries
  • Explore symbolic expressions of underlying psycho-spiritual imbalances
  • Understand the human energy system
  • Use the Chinese 5 Element Theory as metaphor
  • Practice Yoga Nidra, dream interpretation, and Qi Gong daily
  • Learn to experience “wordlessness”
  • Recognize your inner signals for yes and no
  • Experience the role of imagination

Cultivating your intuition can provide valuable insight for uncovering emotional, mental, and spiritual causes of physical problems and bring them into conscious awareness. It is my opinion that acknowledging and eliminating the underlying causes can often be more effective than conventional therapies and treatments. Yet, we're not drawn together to be able to read the health of ourselves or someone else. We're drawn to the unknown, the exploration, but regardless of your reason for coming to a program on Medical Intuition, as Bob instructed me, “You go, find out. Then come back and tell me.”

It’s always about the exploration.

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Winter Robinson, MEd

Monroe Guest Trainer

Winter Robinson, MEd, is internationally recognized as an author, teacher, consultant, and medical intuitive, adept at facilitating the intuitive process, multi-sensory development and exploring human consciousness. A licensed therapist, she is the author of A Hidden Order: Uncover Your Life's Design; Intuitions: Seeing With Your Heart; and Remembering: A Gentle Reminder of Who You Are. She has also created a series of guided imagery CDs to help the listener reduce stress and deepen the alliance with the source of inner wisdom. A board-certified therapist and graduate of the University of Virginia (MEd), Winter began her career as a therapist at the Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto. She headed up a pilot study facilitating the art of medicine (medical intuition) to medical students at Brown University. For many years Winter was a Monroe residential trainer and a research subject in the Institute's lab.