The willingness to consider possibility requires
a tolerance of uncertainty.

― Rachel Naomi Remen

Recently this quotation showed up in my inbox. It carries an unmistakable ring of authenticity and, for me, characterizes the style of creative thinking we often employ at The Monroe Institute.
The willingness to consider possibility in the face of uncertainty is the life’s blood of TMI people. You are asked to consider that you are more than your physical body. As evidence of that mounts, you may face uncertainty about your physical or mental health. “Am I crazy?” “Is what I’m experiencing real?” When you deepen trust of your perceptions, new perspectives open. Synchronicity accelerates.

Am I crazy?” morphs into "What is the greatest possibility I am willing to consider?”



What begins as a tolerance of uncertainty gradually becomes a strong appreciation for uncertainty as a tool. “Am I crazy?” morphs into “What is the greatest possibility I am willing to consider?”  That question drives the Institute. It drove Bob Monroe. It drives me.

When we ask that question of you and of ourselves, and listen to the answers, what emerges is the future—our collective future and the future of TMI. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all instant manifestation. A huge contribution of work, love, time, and commitment from many people shepherds that future into energetic and physical form.

We look enthusiastically forward to the birth of possibilities in 2017 that have been gestating throughout 2016 and before.

… Which brings me to my purpose here. Thanks to a tolerance for uncertainty and willingness to consider possibility, TMI has seen unprecedented advances in new programs, marketing, and development in 2016. We have expanded our SAMusic™ selection, offer two free downloadable verbally guided meditation exercises, welcomed several new key staff members, proudly hosted Dr. Norman Shealy as keynote speaker at the Professional Seminar, published two e-books, one print reference guide, a development e-newsletter, a database of our research and reporting archives, and our first formal Annual Report. We launched a first-ever Advanced Excursion online workshop, and saw programs translated into German and Italian, as well as held the first Gateway Voyage in Africa.


What is the greatest possibility you are willing to consider?

To your best life in 2017!

Nancy H. McMoneagle
Executive Director and President

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.