Heart Connection

Length: 20 Minutes


Heart Connection

In this exercise you will be invited to connect with and expand your heart energy. Imagine that you are breathing deeply into your heart, with your awareness focused on the heart space. Imagine a time when you experienced great love or joy, perhaps you were with a loved one, a favorite pet, a great adventure or accomplishment. Think of when you experienced rich and full positive emotion and remember in detail this event, person or place. Notice the positive emotion you''re feeling and focus your attention on your heart energy, with the intention to amplify and integrate it.

Marinda Stopforth
Marinda Stopforth

Born and raised in South Africa, Marinda came to the USA in 1997 to work as an Occupational Therapist. Drawn to “spy stories”, she read a book that referenced the Monroe Institute and attended the Gateway Voyage in January 2000. This was followed by attending several graduate programs and the Professional Division Seminar during that same year. The teachings and philosophy of Monroe resonated with Marinda and brought her “home” to her truth.

She completed the Outreach Trainer program and presented weekend excursion programs in South Africa. In 2002 she returned to the USA to work and continue her studies with the Monroe Institute and became a residential trainer in 2008.

Marinda retired from patient care and currently works full time as a yoga teacher and faculty member for a suburban Chicago based yoga school and studio, where she trains an advanced yoga teacher training program and several anatomy workshops. Her special interests are yoga philosophy and meditation, which explores consciousness in much the same way as the audio technology support offered at Monroe.

Marinda incorporates her love for art and creativity in the presentation of workshops for yoga students and in the Monroe programs she helped design. Her vision is to bring greater awareness to our natural creative capacity and how this is a manifestation of consciousness in our daily life.

Marinda believes in investing in yourself: she has learned a “new skill” every year since graduation in 1987. “This is how I stay curious, engaged, develop my mind and build my skillset… and I meet lots of interesting people! My greatest inspiration is to witness the transformative journey of participants in workshops. Being present for their awakening to freedom and self-mastery ignites a spirit of compassion and commitment in me to continue on my own path as a student of consciousness and share this wisdom with my students, friends and community.”

Marinda is married to Bob Holbrook and spends her time teaching, studying and making art. She is a Certified Zentangle® Teacher, SoulCollage® facilitator, and avid quilter and knitter. You will also see her handmade prayer malas for sale in the Monroe bookstore on campus. She enjoys time outside on long walks with her two Rottweilers, Bismarck and Chloe.

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