Our Purpose
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
Advancing the global awakening of human consciousness.
Our Mission
Helping people create more meaningful and joyful lives through the guided exploration of expanded consciousness.
Founded in 1971 by Robert A. Monroe, the Monroe Institute is widely recognized as a leading center for exploring and experiencing expanded states of consciousness. For over 50 years, our immersive programs have empowered participants to undergo profound transformations, gaining a fresh outlook on life and discovering a deep sense of purpose.
Using cutting-edge Monroe Sound Science technology, guided imagery, and collaborative group activities, our programs have welcomed individuals world-wide from all walks of life. The only prerequisite is an open mind and an understanding that our existence extends beyond the physical realm.
In addition to our experiential programs, the Monroe Institute actively engages in research, partnering with scientists, doctors, and academics to explore the remarkable benefits of expanded states of consciousness.
You may embark on life-changing journeys and access our transformative experiences through Monroe's Expand meditation app, our online courses, or by attending our residential retreats and workshops held worldwide.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Monroe Institute is dedicated to advancing the global awakening of human consciousness.
Robert A. Monroe
Born October 30, 1915, Bob spent his childhood in Kentucky and Indiana. After graduating Ohio State University in 1937 with a BA in English, he worked as a writer and director at two Ohio radio stations. Two years later he moved to New York and expanded his broadcasting career, producing and directing weekly radio programs and eventually forming his own radio production company.
In 1956 his production company set up a research and development division to study the effects of various sound patterns on human consciousness, including the feasibility of learning during sleep. Monroe often used himself as a test subject for this research and in 1958 he began experiencing what he described as an "out-of-body experience," the term popularized by Charles T. Tart, PhD, a leader in the area of consciousness studies. These spontaneous experiences altered the course of Monroe's life and the direction of his professional efforts.
Throughout the next twenty years, Monroe continued to explore, research, and teach others about practical methods of attaining and using expanded consciousness. He developed a series of multi-day workshops, built a campus for education and research, and created a portfolio of binaural beat audio-guided technology. He chronicled his early explorations with a reporter's objectivity and eye for detail in a groundbreaking book, "Journeys Out of the Body," which was published in 1971.
In 1985 he wrote a second book, titled "Far Journeys," which expanded upon his personal investigations of nonphysical reality. In 1994 he followed suit with a third book, "Ultimate Journey," which explores basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life and what lies beyond the limits of our physical world. Monroe died in 1995, at the age of seventy-nine. His legacy continues today and has touched the lives of literally millions of people all around the world.
Continuing Research
To continue researching new applications and innovative methods, the Monroe Institute works with researchers and practitioners, through university and clinical collaborations. Anecdotal and empirical research articles are available in our research section. Participant stories and Bob Monroe's three books on out-of-body experiences are also great resources for learning more about what you will gain by attending our Gateway Voyage.