Robert A. Monroe gave us an amazing blueprint for exploring the nonphysical universe. He described “Focus Levels” that acted as addresses for “places” that existed way before he discovered them in his OBEs. They are areas you can go “to expand, to experience, to know, to understand, to control, to use these greater energies and energy systems … ” (from the Gateway Affirmation).

After 34 years as a program facilitator at The Monroe Institute, I have come to understand that these Focus Levels are not greater or lesser, better or worse than each other. They are just different places that you can inhabit for a while. Some Focus Levels make it easier to delve into certain aspects of the nonphysical universe than others. That’s all.

Think of it this way. If you were to visit England’s prime minister in London, you would go to No. 10 Downing Street. Does that mean No. 10 Downing Street is any better than No. 12? No. Different people reside in each residence. These people have different jobs but one address is not inherently better than the other. How about No. 15? That house happens to reside on the other side of the street with a different view of the city. It’s a new perspective. No. 21 is just a little farther down the same street with another vista to contemplate.

Here’s the cool part. You can use Hemi-Sync® to explore the nonphysical universe of the NDE. Hemi-Sync has this wonderful ability to expand your awareness and hold you in a very specific state of consciousness.

People trained in the Monroe technique have been scouting “Downing Street” for more than 50 years. We know there are many more addresses to search and different views to be had.

It turns out that near-death experiencers (NDErs) discovered another street parallel to Downing Street. Instead of house numbers, on this street they use “vibratory levels.” Following another English tradition, each vibratory level has a place name. Some are coined after the different kinds of light experienced by NDErs. These locations have labels like “Meeting Place,” “Black Light,” “Clear Light,” “White Light,” and “the Park.” Like the addresses on Downing Street, they enable you to do some things more easily than others, depending on the vibratory level you’ve engaged.

As an example, take the archetypal tunnel experience that many NDErs describe. Exploring the tunnel is easily done with Meeting Place vibratory level. Meeting your dead relatives is relatively easy in White Light.

Cosmology means “to describe the structure of the universe, its characteristics and how it works.” Bob’s Focus Levels describe one street to explore in the nonphysical. Near-death experiencers have described another. Each is equally valid, just a different road and addresses in the same city.

Where would you like to explore? You can use Focus Levels or vibratory levels to jump off into territories now unknown.

Most of the participants in the Near-Death Experience Intensive program are not people who are captivated by death or want to connect with their departed loved ones. The vast majority have spent time in the Monroe cosmology and want the experiences and perspective of a new, neoteric lens.

Here’s the cool part. You can use Hemi-Sync® to explore the nonphysical universe of the NDE. Hemi-Sync has this wonderful ability to expand your awareness and hold you in a very specific state of consciousness. It gives you time to explore. You can train yourself to return to a desired state with tools that allow you to navigate this space with ease and confidence.

Bob Monroe called this adventure “the path to freedom.” When you know there are many well-worn paths in the nonphysical universe, you are freer to explore them. I’ve used Hemi-Sync to explore the path of shamanism. It’s wonderful for visiting the lower and upper worlds.

Where would you like to explore? You can use Focus Levels or vibratory levels to jump off into territories now unknown.

Here is a typical sequence that occurs while on your path to freedom:  

  • The more you explore, the more you will come to know (not just believe) that you are more than your physical body.
  • Once you know that, you’ll overcome your fear of physical death.
  • Once you are free of the fear of death, you have the freedom to live life more fully in the present.
  • Life in the physical becomes a joy, untouched by the fear of the unknown, of death.

That’s the greatest gift of understanding cosmology.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note:Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync®.
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Scott Taylor

Gateway Graduate

Scott attended Gateway Voyage® in 1983, became an Outreach Trainer in 1985, and Residential Trainer in 1998. Scott earned business degrees from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Kellogg Graduate School of Business at Northwestern University in Illinois. He earned a Minister of Spiritual Counseling degree from the New Seminary, New York City, and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, where he studied and wrote about the insights gained from persons who have had near-death experiences.