Last summer, I started Invisalign® to straighten my top teeth a bit more and in November, the last aligner tray unexpectedly opened up a gap between my two top front teeth. The orthodontist ordered more trays to fix it, but even with 5 more trays (specifically designed to close the gap), the gap only closed a little, but did not fully go away.

When I came to Energy Medicine a few weeks ago, I was pretty stressed about it because I'm on camera for my business and the only options to fix it were invasive, like adding a bonded wire to the back of my teeth or adding bonded layers to my tooth.

Instead, this is what I did:

  • I set the intention that all the Reiki I received during Energy Medicine would address this and close the gap.
  • When the other Energy Medicine participants asked if there was anything I wanted addressed, I asked them to do Reiki on my teeth.
  • I also used the repeatedly used phrase you taught us "As an infinite being, I now release the condition of the gap between my front teeth."
  • I visualized the end result and affirmed: "My teeth look perfect!"
  • I accepted that I may have to do one of the unwanted solutions or live with the gap.

I got the idea (guidance) to take a break from wearing my aligner tray for the afternoon. ... After only a few hours, I noticed that the gap had suddenly closed all on its own!

A week after my Energy Medicine program, I got the idea (guidance) to take a break from wearing my aligner tray for the afternoon. I had been wearing it non-stop aside from eating since getting the new tray in January. After only a few hours, I noticed that the gap had suddenly closed all on its own!

It was as if the Reiki energy was just waiting until I stopped wearing that tray long enough to do its thing!

To test it, I put the tray back in—which re-opened the gap; let me remind you, this tray was designed specifically to close the gap. So, I took it out again and shortly after, the gap closed again on its own and stayed closed. It was as if the Reiki energy was just waiting until I stopped wearing that tray long enough to do its thing!



At my next appointment, the orthodontist was surprised that it had only closed when I STOPPED wearing the tray and said that seemed really strange based on her experience with teeth and Invisalign®. She was happy for me, but baffled and said she'd talk to her Invisalign® rep because it didn't make much sense.

I wanted to share this in case you ever meet anyone else who wants Reiki for something cosmetic, like this, with their teeth. This is a great story you can share with them about the power of energy healing and the Energy Medicine program.

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Amy Westmoreland

Manifesting Coach and Monroe Graduate

Amy is a manifesting coach from Richmond, Virginia who has graduated from several Monroe programs. Gateway Voyage, Out-of-Body Experience, Remote Viewing, MC Squared, Heartline, Energy Medicine and Conscious Presence.