Ghosts According to Joseph McMoneagle, William Buhlman, and Charleene Nicely

… Still, another voice from my I-There insists: Once the transition is made, only the heavily addicted remain closely attached to the physical life they have just departed ... For most, the resonance/interest/attachment begins to fade almost immediately, some slowly, some rapidly. But it does. 

~ Robert A. Monroe from Ultimate Journey

Are ghosts real? There are no easy answers, even from seasoned experts, people adept at consciously navigating the multiverse.

Cultures around the world honor their dead through holidays and festivals. Halloween is only one of those, but it's coming up soon and presents a perfect opportunity to look at the ghost question.

Robert A. Monroe’s objective was to demystify the esoteric, to use neutral language to create a non-mystical context for religious and spiritual concepts embedded in our culture. Consequently, no definition of the word “ghost” appears in Bob’s writings.

So we asked two world-class consciousness explorers, William Buhlman and Joseph McMoneagle, for their takes on ghosts.

Bill Buhlman is a leading expert on out-of-body experiences—author, speaker, teacher, and trainer of the OBE Intensive and Destination: Higher Self programs at TMI. He says—

Based on my personal observation and encounters, ghosts are actually people who have died and are currently living in a parallel dimension just out of phase with our physical world. Often they remain energetically close to the physical world due to their attachments to their past physical possessions, home, loved ones, or previous life situations. Their current energy bodies are vibrating at a different “slightly higher” frequency than the physical.

Joe McMoneagle sees things a bit differently. A renowned remote viewer, aka a psychic spy, author, speaker, and trainer of TMI’s Remote Viewing program, he’s seen his share of “ghosts” during remote viewing sessions, and spontaneously at other times.

Joe’s definition of a ghost is severalfold:

  • a representation of a discarnate entity, rather than the entity itself, projected into the physical world;
  • projections of our own minds that we unconsciously create out of something we need or fear;
  • energy clinging to a person, place, or thing.

Joe describes one encounter in which the “ghost” was probably another living human:

I was tasked with a remote viewing the night President Kennedy was laid in state in the chapel at Arlington, sealed and guarded. They used JFK’s body as a test target. I described the chapel and, within that process, picked up that a person was sitting on the right side of the room wearing a white hat—I felt the hat in a chapel was objectionable. It turned out, the description of the chapel and body was correct, but no one was in the chapel. Later, they found that another RV team had used that target and time—and the other remote viewer saw someone in a black hat at the left side of the room. It could be we had seen each other!

Ghosts often populate Bill’s nonphysical travels:

Contact with nonphysical inhabitants is a common experience during altered states, OBEs and NDEs. I have encountered many of them, including my mother and my uncle. There is nothing to fear, they are just regular people who are often attached to the familiar environments of the physical and remain reluctant to move to higher dimensional realities. The nonphysical dimensions are teaming with life, no one ever dies; at death, all humans transfer our consciousness to a less dense energy body and continue their journey of evolution.

... we can be of service by getting their attention and helping them realize they have died. Sometimes, we physical beings can capture their attention more easily than their guides or deceased family members ...

And how would these two consummate deep-state explorers advise a newbie who is meeting “ghosts” for the first time?

As explorers of consciousness, we decide whether to interact with nonphysical inhabitants. Communication will be experienced as instant thought transference, eliminating all physical language barriers. When we approach this communication with an open mind and heart we have the ability to receive valuable insights into the universal nature of life after death. I write extensively about nonphysical inhabitants and their attachment issues in Adventures in the Afterlife.
Try to get away from the fear.  When appearances occur it’s for a reason. If you don’t take the opportunity to communicate, it’ll continue to happen. Whether it’s a projection or not, who cares? Don’t attach limiting beliefs to it.

There may be as many perspectives on “ghosts” as there are people who encounter them. Charleene Nicely, a trainer of the Near-Death Experience Intensive program at TMI, offers this from an NDE point of view:

Someone has gone to the trouble of connecting with you! Nonphysical beings generally seem to function at a higher vibrational rate and need to slow themselves down in order to be visible to us. When people die in accidents or for some reason do not realize they are dead, they may continue to focus on the earth level and not respond to the higher vibrational levels for a time. This can make them look “stuck.” Then, we can be of service by getting their attention and helping them realize they have died. Sometimes, we physical beings can capture their attention more easily than their guides or deceased family members who want to welcome them onto the next step in their adventure.

Whether or not we choose to stick the “ghost” label onto those we may meet in the nonphysical, their presence in our experience offers information. It seems it’s up to us to receive it or not. 

Enroll in the 5-Day/6-Night Near-Death Experience Intensive course.

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Leslie France

Monroe Projects Manager

Leslie’s current role with the Monroe Institute is Projects Manager. She writes and edits for TMI's social media, newsletter, website, and print publications. She contributes to event coordination and project development as needed. Leslie joined the Monroe Institute in 1986 and served in a variety of roles including Professional Division director and publications editor. She left in 1993 to work with New Visions and to launch BlueWebWeaver, offering training and support for Apple devices. In 2009 Leslie returned to Monroe.