One of the things I love most about my meditation practice is, when I’m open to it, it becomes a constantly changing, ever-evolving experience in which I’m always learning new tricks. I feel that, when I’m ready for it, a new tool or technique will appear to help me take things to the next level. If I find that techniques stop working for me or become stale, I’m able to release them and make way for new practices. Meditation is an ever-changing, ever-evolving, sometimes looping experience, and I’m always excited to be on its constant adventure. My point here is simple: we all find and develop tricks that help us throughout our practices, and today, I’d love to talk about the tricks or hidden gems that I’ve found that help me move seamlessly and effortlessly among focus levels.

For me, perhaps one of the greatest techniques I learned to seamlessly and effortlessly change focus levels came from Exploration 27 (X27), and I was able to practice and solidify it more when I took Starlines. In X27, you learn that there is a direct and easy pathway from Earth Core 27 to Focus 27, and you can practice a single breath technique to get you from one to the other. For me, once this clicked, it became essential for me to effortlessly flow among different levels of consciousness.

Meditation is an ever-changing, ever-evolving, sometimes looping experience, and I’m always excited to be on its constant adventure.

Whenever I want to get from any focus level to another, it also helps me to visualize what that a focus level looks like to me and recall what it feels like there. The more you are familiar with these different levels, the easier it can be to simply recall them and go there. I feel this is the simplest way to get from one focus level to the next. Say I want to go to Focus 21. With a visualization of what that may look like to me in my mind and with a strong remembrance of what it feels like to be there, I simply breathe in and feel myself moving effortlessly to that level of consciousness. A single breath can be all it takes to shift when you are familiar enough with any expanded state.

You will surely pick up other tools for yourself along the way as well. When I took Starlines recently, visual cues became very important to me. I could just see my special place in Focus 27 and, more specifically, a well that randomly appeared outside of it  (specifically during Starlines). With a single breath, I would see myself there. I then began seeing this well as a portal to help me easily transition from one focus level to the next. It became a tool I could use to switch between focus levels.

Our minds are very creative places. When we spend the time we need with our thoughts, we can creatively develop a number of tricks in our practice—not just to bring us through an array of focus levels like I mentioned above, but to help with other things, as well. Perhaps there’s a visualization trick that connects you with the Healing and Rejuvenation Center in Focus 27 when you are most in need of it. Perhaps you can just simply visualize something or feel a familiar feeling or even hear a certain sound that can instantly connect you with that healing energy. So, as you go about your practice and play and learn what works for you, I encourage you to pay attention to what stands out about each focus level visually, emotionally, and even auditorily, and see if you can utilize those distinct characteristics as a way to more easily connect with the benefits of each of these focus levels.

When I want to heal, I visualize what the Healing and Rejuvenation Center looks like to me and feel those healing energies, and suddenly, I am connected to that healing.

Our minds are very creative places. When we spend the time we need with our thoughts, we can creatively develop a number of tricks in our practice—not just to bring us through an array of focus levels like I mentioned above, but to help with other things, as well.

When I really need some alone time, I visualize my Special Place in 27, breathe in while visualizing it, and I am connected with my special energy there.

The sky is the limit, and the point of this blog, in a nutshell, is to remind you to continually be looking for these little tricks throughout your explorations into your own consciousness. Take these little pieces, find those hidden gems, and use them as you see fit. Incorporate them into your practice, and if they no longer serve you at some point, just let them go. Your meditation practice should be yours! It should be fun, and it shouldn’t be stagnant, so simply drop anything that isn’t helping you in the moment and move forward with the tools that do. Always remember to play or explore along the way!

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.