Perhaps you are new to the world of consciousness studies. Perhaps you recently discovered, through a unique experience, that you are, in fact, more than your physical body, and you want to learn more. Or maybe you’ve been studying the topic of consciousness for decades and enjoy bringing up the conversation to stimulate your mind and explore the newest theories and ideas. Whatever your involvement in the world of consciousness, the Monroe Institute is an excellent place where you can utilize a variety of tools to continue your journey into consciousness studies.

I, for one, have been a part of the metaphysical world since childhood. Growing up, I regularly attended courses and events at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, so I was thrilled when my path brought me to the Monroe Institute. Instantly, I was offered a new perspective on a topic that had been a large part of my past. I was given new tools to help expand on my knowledge of ideas that had become a bit stale for me.

Whatever your involvement in the world of consciousness, the Monroe Institute is an excellent place where you can utilize a variety of tools to continue your journey into consciousness studies.

Today, there are many avenues you can go down while studying the idea of consciousness, and Monroe offers a variety of tools to help you learn more about consciousness and have your own unique experiences that enhance your journey. Here are just a few of the amazing tools available to you, why I find them so helpful, and how you can implement them into your studies of the nonphysical realm.  

“Expanding on Consciousness” Podcast

Monroe has released a podcast all about—you guessed it—consciousness. I’ve found that it’s a great tool to open your horizons and expand your knowledge on the idea of human existence. Hosted by Mark Certo, a recording engineer who actually worked with Robert Monroe, The Expanding on Consciousness podcast does just what its title says: it discusses and hopefully teaches you more about the topic of consciousness. Mark explains this in the first episode, “What does it mean to experience expanded consciousness?” He explains that the idea of consciousness should immediately interest all of us, as we all share consciousness, whatever it may be. This podcast is exceptionally interesting, in my opinion, as it offers essential information for those trying to understand the mysteries of existence. It provides a deep analysis about consciousness by going over the idea on philosophical, scientific, and mystical levels. All in all, this is a strong educational tool to get your mind analyzing the idea of consciousness.

Monroe’s Community Groups

If you’re an extrovert who loves meeting new people, connecting with a Monroe Community Group is a great way to expand your consciousness studies. These groups provide opportunities for interested parties to get together, discuss the topic of consciousness, and participate in group meditations. It’s a fantastic way to meet people who live close to you who have resonant viewpoints, or to connect you with people across the world who share your similar interests. By meeting up (both via Zoom and in person) with like-minded people, discussing consciousness, and meditating together, you can grow and evolve your own meditation practice, expand on your theories and ideas of consciousness, and make friends that will last a lifetime. In my own experiences, meeting others who have graduated from Monroe programs has provided me with an incredible support group. It’s a great way to socially get involved. After all, I’ve always found group energy to be essential to my mediation practice.

In my own experiences, meeting others who have graduated from Monroe programs has provided me with an incredible support group. It’s a great way to socially get involved.

“Expand” App

For those who are constantly on the go or who have trouble taking off time to attend a program in person, the Expand app is a great way to start or further your Monroe meditation journey. Being a meditation app, it’s accessible on your phone from anywhere, so you can conduct daily sessions for yourself from across the world. For me, this has been an incredibly valuable tool. Since I travel for close to half of the year, being able to bring my meditation practice with me on a device that I bring with me anyway is essential. I can easily decide the type of meditation I need day to day based on my mood (from relaxation and healing to gratitude to insights and intuition to manifestation). I just pick what I’m feeling and pop in my earbuds. Expand is the perfect tool to get you eased into both Monroe Sound Science and your own personalized meditation journey.

Take a Program

Of course, last but certainly not least, the greatest thing I can recommend to expand on your own consciousness studies is to take a program at the Monroe Institute. Monroe programs combine all of the benefits above in a safe space with other like-minded people who have similar goals while also opening your mind to theories of human consciousness through conversations and meditation experiences. I’ve never had a dull moment at any of the programs that I’ve taken on campus or online. While I’ve gone into each program with different goals, I’ve always come out with powerful messages that apply to my life.

All in all, there are many ways to either ease yourself into meditation and consciousness studies or expand your practice. I hope you review the above tools and take inspiration from the ones that speak to you. 

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.