When it comes to meditating with an intention, nine times out of ten my intention is to manifest something. As a very goal-oriented, focused person, I always feel better when I have a measurable goal that I am working towards. Perhaps that’s why manifesting is something that really speaks to me. So, naturally, when I take programs at the Monroe Institute, every time we are introduced to new Focus levels or told to come up with an intention for a Focus level, I immediately wonder how I can manifest or pattern from this new, exciting place. 

And what better time is there for manifesting the life and patterns that you want than at the start of the new year? So, I’ve taken the beginning of this year to set measurable goals for myself and reflect on manifesting from different Focus levels.

During each manifestation session in Focus 12, I try to put my attention on one goal and visualize it completely by walking through its arch and observing the outcome I’d like for myself. As a visual learner and person, this seems to really help me work towards my goals’ best outcomes. 

Manifesting from Focus 12

Focus 12 is, perhaps, my favorite “place” to manifest from, as it seems so close and connected to the life that I am currently living. It’s from here that I can stop and reflect on the unlimited possibilities that life has laid out before me. I perceive Focus 12 as a gateway of possibilities. I find myself in a stone circle with archways surrounding me, each representing something that I am working towards. I can see everything I have planned laid out before me and can easily shift my attention from one thing to the next. During each manifestation session in Focus 12, I try to put my attention on one goal and visualize it completely by walking through its arch and observing the outcome I’d like for myself. As a visual learner and person, this seems to really help me work towards my goals’ best outcomes. 

When I want to focus on the big picture, I visualize where I see my life going in the future and how this lifeline can unfold for me. It helps me to pattern.

Manifesting from Focus 15

When I need to focus on the bigger picture, I like to manifest from Focus 15. It seems much more distant from the smaller problems I face each day. When I visualize within this Focus level, I tend to see lines that represent my life now and other lives I have lived. I can follow a line and see the outcomes of the past, present and the future unfold. When I want to focus on the big picture, I visualize where I see my life going in the future and how this lifeline can unfold for me. It helps me to pattern.

It can be refreshing to step away from your problems to get distance between yourself and what’s going on. You can shift your perspective on anything quickly when you get some distance from it. And Focus 15 is the perfect place to gain distance from daily troubles.

Sometimes, your transition between two Focus levels can give you something special. Here’s an excerpt from my journaling when I went from Focus 12 to Focus 15 during the Exploration 27 program with the intention to Manifest:

“I felt so strong in my manifestation today. When we went to Focus 12, I saw that lineup of where I should be going in my gateway of possibilities. All of my goals aligned together into one place, and it shone, turning into a bright beam of light, which easily translated into the lifeline of my current life that I see in Focus 15. I could easily see where I am coming from. A tiny bubble indicated where I feel stuck now. I nudged this bubble, this obstacle, out lightly with my fingers and allowed the bright, beaming light of my future to continue forward without interruption. 

I saw this intention form into a hummingbird and then into a larger bird. It flapped its wings powerfully and fluttered away as I released this intention into the universe. 

I’ve laid my footprint here on Earth and figured out my path for this life. Now I am ready to see what lies beyond.”

Manifesting from Focus 27

If I learned anything from taking Exploration 27, it’s that Focus level 27 is expansive. There are an unlimited number of things to discover when you have time to explore this vast state of existence. So, naturally, there would be unlimited ways to manifest from Focus 27.  I found two particularly interesting ways to manifest while I was spending time working on my life from Focus 27. 

The first was done from my “special place.” For those who haven’t been to or spent much time in Focus 27 yet, one of the first exercises you are given there is to create a special place that is effectively your home base in 27. You put together a place where you can feel safe. I visited my special place one day in Focus 27 and wondered, “How can I manifest from here?”

Once I got to where I am in my life now, the pages were blank—open to possibilities. So, I found myself writing in my story—what I wanted to happen next. This was a clear, exciting way I found to manifest from my own special place.  

Almost immediately, I found a book in my library in my special place that contained the story of my life. It showed me my story up until now, and I was blown away by how large the book was, yet it still fit in the library without issue. It highlighted the big events of my life, yet also could call forth any small details I’d like to remember. Once I got to where I am in my life now, the pages were blank—open to possibilities. So, I found myself writing in my story—what I wanted to happen next. This was a clear, exciting way I found to manifest from my own special place.  

Then, in another exercise, we were called to the Planning Center in Focus 27. The purpose of this vast location is, effectively, for us to plan out our patterns for future and current lives. As I approached this for the first time, I saw something truly unique. 

Throughout my experiences in different Focus levels, I’ve quickly learned that it’s less about what you are seeing and more about what you are feeling, experiencing and focusing on.

There was a higher level of the planning center where energy lifeforms added and changed patterns via DNA-like structures of energy being edited and released back into the world.  I saw a link of DNA for each pattern or plan I wanted to manifest into my future. And the final link was one of abundance and gratitude. It all swirled together in energy and turned into a magic pixie dust tossed down onto Earth. It returned as flow and feedback via energy. The deeper I go into these higher states of consciousness, the more abstract my tools can become. 

Throughout my experiences in different Focus levels, I’ve quickly learned that it’s less about what you are seeing and more about what you are feeling, experiencing and focusing on. Your intentions are key in any exercise, as I quickly learned. The tools I described above presented themselves to me as the most effective ways to help me manifest and/or accomplish my intentions from different Focus levels. And they have proven quite effective throughout my experiences in meditation.

How do you perceive these Focus levels? How have you found manifesting works for you within these different states? I’ve found that reflecting on your process as you enter the new year can easily help you grow in ways that you never expected.

If you'd like to share your manifesting story email us! Who knows, maybe you could be the next Monroe guest author!

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.