If you go to the TMI website and search “brian dailey,” you’ll get a sense of the breadth and depth of Brian’s involvement with, and support of, The Monroe Institute. Among his many areas of service is the Dolphin Energy Club (DEC), a worldwide group of specially trained energy workers who stand ready to provide free remote physical-mental-emotional support for anyone who requests it. Brian has been a DEC member for many years. Lately, he has also been a recipient of DEC energy.

What follows is a letter Brian sent to our dedicated DEC coordinator, Ann Vaughan, reporting on his experience with DEC … and a little more.

Dear Ann,

I wanted you to have this update on my progress. The DEC energy has been really helpful, and I remain in great spirits!

I had my fourth surgery late last week and am having my, hopefully, last surgery this Friday for a revascularization procedure. I spend three hours in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber (HOC) Monday through Friday afternoons, which I thoroughly enjoy, as I have them play Hemi-Sync while I’m in there. It’s extremely relaxing. I did two weeks in the chamber in preparation for surgery this Friday and will follow up with eight weeks afterward.

I am still on multiple doses of IV antibiotics. It’s been eight weeks now, and things are definitely improving. Hopefully, I’ll be able to discontinue them soon. The doctors are impressed with my progress. Please give my thanks to everyone in DEC for their part in getting me to this point!

[Backstory: Brian developed multiple multi-drug-resistant infections, which usually requires an intensive care admission. But the wound has improved remarkably and he’s been able to stay on a regular floor.]

Many months ago I experienced hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy for the first time. I arrived for the first session with my Hemi-Sync CD. “What is Hemi-Sync?” the nurse asked? I explained and got into the chamber.

I lent the nurse some CDs, and … she asked, “What is the Monroe Institute?” So I told her it was “Disneyland for the mind,” and explained how we use sound to induce different states of consciousness.

Many people have anxiety and claustrophobia in an enclosed space despite the walls being made out of clear glass. They usually fidget and fuss the entire time. With Hemi-Sync, I was out like a light for two and a half hours. The first time I did this the medical team had a discussion about whether to abort the dive and check for a pulse to see if I was OK. I was.

I lent the nurse some CDs, and when I arrived on day number two, she asked, “What is the Monroe Institute?” So I told her it was “Disneyland for the mind,” and explained how we use sound to induce different states of consciousness. She went to the TMI website, and on day number three asked, “What is this out-of-body they are talking about?” I explained it to her. “Do you go out of body?” she asked.

I should have given her a straight answer, but of course, I didn’t. I have been accused of having a sense of humor. “We go out of body all the time. In fact, I was going to go to outer space and meet an extraterrestrial friend of mine named Ralph. He’s very friendly. I’ll tell you what, I’ll bring him back into the chamber with me, and you wave at him. If he waves back, stand in front of the chamber and take a selfie of the three of us! But this is top-secret, you can’t tell anybody!” Of course, I was joking.

Two and a half hours later I woke up and to see seven medical providers sitting on stools and chairs with their cell phones out, ready to take a picture of Ralph. So much for keeping secrets.

Please give my best to everyone! Miss you all!


We couldn’t be more pleased with Brian’s recovery! Over the years, Brian has participated in many residential programs at TMI. The Institute supported him in developing the Chemotherapy Companion and Radiation Companion CDs, exercises in the Cancer Support Series, that use Hemi-Sync and guided imagery to assist cancer patients with their therapies and healing.

He is also co-developer and trainer, with Allyn Evans, of Energy Medicine, a residential program offered at TMI and internationally that teaches energy medicine techniques.

Brian is a third-degree Reiki Master-Teacher with extensive experience in energetic and vibrational medicine, using tools such as CranioSacral therapy, crystals, and color. He also has vast experience with sound therapies, including Monroe technologies—Hemi-Sync® and Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM)—and crystal bowls, to induce altered states of consciousness.


Join Allyn Evans and Brian Dailey for their 5-Day/6-Night  Energy Medicine course.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note: Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync®.


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Brian Dailey, MD

Monroe Professional member, Guest Trainer

Brian Dailey, MD, FACEP, FACFE, is a graduate of the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. He did his training in Surgery at SUNY at Stony Brook, NY. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine, Forensic Medicine, and Forensic Examination. He has been an Assistant Professor in Emergency Medicine, a Clinical Instructor in Surgery, and a Clinical Instructor in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, NY, until 2003. He was selected as one of America’s Top Physicians by the Consumers Research Council of America, Washington, DC, for 6 years. He is a third degree Reiki Master-Teacher with extensive experience in energetic and vibrational medicine, including the use of CranioSacral therapy, crystals, and color. He has vast experience in sound therapies, including Hemi-Sync®, Spatial Angle Modulation, and crystal bowls to induce altered states of consciousness. He has used these methods to treat a wide range of patients both inpatient and outpatient with diverse problems such as cancer (including chemotherapy, radiation, hair loss, anemia, neutropenia and other side effects), neuropathies, fractures, trauma and in the Emergency Department, etc. He is a member of the Professional Division, and is on the Board of Advisors and Board of Directors Emeritus of the Monroe Institute in Virginia.