I believe the integration of consciousness into the daily practice and protocols of engineers and scientists is an extremely important pursuit.

Like Robert A. Monroe, Jim Lewis comes to consciousness exploration by way of science and technology, flying, and a deep and abiding interest in pretty much everything. In fact, while Bob was carefully documenting his early out-of-body experiences and searching desperately for an explanation, Jim was a pioneer with NASA’s US space program.

From the Space Center Lecture Series—

Dr. James L. Lewis, in 1961, was the Command Pilot of Hunt Club One, the code name for the helicopter assigned to recover Astronaut Gus Grissom. In 1961, Lt. Lewis was forced to release the space capsule when a warning light showed a danger of imminent engine failure. In 1999, Dr. Lewis was a member of the Discovery Channel team that recovered the Liberty Bell 7 from the Atlantic Ocean floor. After his career in the US Marines, Dr. Lewis held several management positions in which he contributed to the design of the Gemini, Skylab, Apollo, Space Shuttle, and Space Station Programs. He spent several years prior to retirement as the Division Manager for Space Station in the JSC Man-Systems Division.

Ghislaine had been told by a psychic medium, before we met, that she would meet and marry a man from “McDonald” and have two sons. She assumed McDonald was the hamburger place. ... Ghislaine did, indeed, marry the man from “McDonnell” and we had two sons together.

Jim has “an intense curiosity about most things. I love both the arts and sciences. But—science and engineering—they ask questions, solve puzzles and problems, and create things. They are my passion.”

A military pilot (“Who wouldn’t want to fly and get paid for it?”), Jim developed an infatuation with racecar driving—

… the astronauts invited me out to race with them one Sunday afternoon. I was soon hooked. That led to me racing cars as an avocation. I met Ghislaine, my future wife-to-be and love of my life at such an event.
Ghislaine had been told by a psychic medium, before we met, that she would meet and marry a man from “McDonald” and have two sons. She assumed McDonald was the hamburger place. But at the time of her reading, I was with a team at McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis preparing for what was to become the first manned Gemini mission. Ghislaine did, indeed, marry the man from “McDonnell” and we had two sons together.

The accuracy of Ghislaine’s reading sparked in Jim an interest in what he calls Universal Consciousness, though it wasn’t until after his retirement on Y2K day that he had time to explore that interest. Jim enrolled in a mediumship class where he was introduced to Hemi-Sync® and to afterlife contact.

During the Exploration 27 program, a fellow participant received a message from Ghislaine for Jim. In it, she called him “My Jim,” as she had in life.

Ghislaine crossed over in May of 2016 after 43 years of marriage. Following her passing, Jim’s mediumship teacher visited a bookstore where she communicated with Ghislaine’s energy, asking “if there’s something here for Jim, let me know.” The first books she saw were two of Bruce Moen’s books on the afterlife.

Those avenues of inquiry opened up a new world. Jim’s deepening connection with The Monroe Institute and Universal Consciousness became for him both a sanctuary and a communication conduit—

  • Jim and his son Chris attended the Gateway Voyage in August of 2016. There, Jim connected nonphysically with Ghislaine for the first time.
  • During the Exploration 27 program, a fellow participant received a message from Ghislaine for Jim. In it, she called him “My Jim,” as she had in life.
  • In the MC2 (Manifestation and Creation Squared) program, another participant told Jim, “While you were in the healing circle I saw your wife. I was sensing unconditional love flowing to you from her. She was behind you with her hands on your shoulders.” This was a position Ghislaine had used when performing Reiki on Jim’s shoulder. A photo confirmed that it was Ghislaine.
  • After his Lifeline program, Jim met Ghislaine in his “special place” in Focus 27—their beautiful spot at Smith Lake, Colorado. She appeared in full color and 3 dimensions. “It was the first time I’d seen her in that type of view.”

Jim has attended eight TMI courses in roughly a two-year period and is signed up to attend five additional programs in the year to come. As a scientist, where is he going with all this?

We know that mass has potential energy when static, and dynamic energy when in motion. I have long felt that what we call inanimate objects have consciousness since energy is present. I’m sure that many in the physics and other technical fields take issue with this, and they should—questions are good, data is helpful, and inquiring thoughtful minds developing connective theories are what we need. I believe the integration of consciousness into the daily practice and protocols of engineers and scientists is an extremely important pursuit.

And to what end?

I want to learn as much as possible at TMI that will forward the objective described above, and to utilize the manifestation and creation skills learned to help others heal physical and emotional wounds.

Jim continues learning, acquiring, and practicing to develop his capabilities and skills. “I remain open to targets of opportunity. I’m still very much the student.”

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Jim Lewis, PhD

Monroe Program Graduate