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How to Fight Feelings of Invalidity … and Win!
Sometimes, we get into stints when our mental health isn’t ideal. No matter how much we accomplish, no matter what we do, we just can’t seem to fee...
Back to the Basics: Finding the Peace Within Yourself
Sometimes, when it comes to meditation, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to get back to the basics. We all turn to meditation fo...
Why We Resist Change and How to Embrace Changes that Benefit Us
As human beings, our first instinct is to resist change. This resistance to change goes all the way back to evolutionary times when anything out of...
The Importance of Setting Boundaries
Even though it can be hard to do, it’s an important practice that benefits your overall wellbeing. Setting boundaries is the first step in recogniz...
Learning to Be Unapologetically Myself
Sometimes, when our subconscious tries to deliver an important message to us, we can be pretty dense about receiving the message. When I attended E...
A Conversation About Raising Your Vibrations
One of the most common concepts in the metaphysical world is the idea of “raising your vibrations.” Raising your vibrations is just another way of ...
Keeping Up with Your Resolutions
After much thought on the matter, and with a great determination not to stray off course of my resolutions, here are a few helpful hints that I’ve ...
Using Meditation to Clarify and Understand Someone's Intentions
Sometimes, we can get hung up on a phrase or a thought by not tuning in to the intention one has when delivering it. For instance, we hear someone ...
Your Mindset Colors Your World
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again—we create the world we live in. Our mindset and how we feel about things truly does color the world ar...
Loss and Meditation: Honoring Someone’s Memory
This past week in my meditation journey, I’ve been facing something relatively new:the idea of honoring someone’s memory in a healthy way. You see,...