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Exploration 27 ... To My Surprise, a Deeper Question Was Answered

I started the Exploration 27 program with a strong expectation based on previous projections of what I would encounter there. Would it look and fee...

How to Use Guidance and Intuition to Make a Decision

As human beings, we all have access to guidance. It is around us all the time, and  in constant communication with our intuition. It’s possible tho...

Letting Go of Judgement and Finding Your Path

It’s natural to want to find your path in life. You may feel lost, while believing everyone else knows where they are headed and what they want to ...

How to Influence Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is a term you hear quite a bit in the physics world. In the simplest possible terms, kinetic energy is energy that an object has whe...

Anyone Can Learn to Harness Their Abilities as a Remote Viewer

An Interview on Remote Viewing with Marinda Stopforth Remote viewing is a topic that has fascinated people since it was named in 1970. The phenomen...

How Our Past Lives Influence Our Present Patterns

The more you delve into your meditation practice, the more you will hopefully begin to understand your own universal timeline. Knowing and acceptin...

Experiencing Consciousness While Dreaming

How to Lucid Dream Lucid dreaming is a topic that we hear about often in our society but, for most, it seems more of a fantasy than a reality. We w...

How I Was Able to Have an Out-of-Body Experience

Traveling out of body is what many people hope to experience when they attend the Monroe Institute. The out-of-body experience (or OBE) is a concep...

Brighter Journeys To the Afterlife: A Nurse Recalls Lifeline

My sadness came on as I submitted my nursing license resignation in September of 2019.  It was the end of a long chapter helping thousands of patie...

Speaking To Others About My Metaphysical Experiences

Ever since I was a young teenager, I have been thoroughly fascinated by and drawn to a multitude of metaphysical topics. There is another world out...

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