Total Self Communion

Length: 33 Minutes


Total Self Communion

You''ve probably been told, or you''ve probably heard the idea that we are much bigger than we normally experience ourselves to be... that there''s much more to us. And people map this idea of us being more spiritual beings than we''re currently aware of in many ways. And it''s really important not to get caught in any particular map, that then becomes a source of belief. And the best way to think about this meditation is to understand that the focus that you''re using to read these words is a part of a continuum of awareness that goes back to non-dual awareness, All That Is, Source, God/Goddess, however you want to call that Ultimate Reality. And we can experience it all as different points on a continuum – soul, higher self, true nature, and then coming to this physical focus that we all share, where we tend to experience our world through what has been called the chosen five senses of hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell, in the chosen four dimensions of the three dimensions of space, and time.

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