I was feeling ready to once again reconnect, go deep and explore consciousness at a Monroe week-long residential. After giving it some thought, I made a logical choice to try Lucid Dreaming. It sounded interesting and relevant. I have vivid dreams, always have, so I was feeling it might be useful to explore that realm of consciousness.

Well, the Universe had a different more intuitive suggestion. Due to complications, I was unable to attend Lucid Dreaming and settled on Timeline. I’d be revisiting past, current and even future life experiences to more fully understand my total Self, which I’ll be honest, I was clueless about until I took Timeline. Although unaware at the time, Timeline was exactly the program I needed. 

The year 900 A.D., in Africa. The sun was bright, the dirt bleached and dry. I looked down to see my feet long, narrow and dark. To my surprise, I knew I was an African priestess...

I began the program verbally guided into a deep meditative state to experience a past life regression. I was guided to think of a favorite place. I chose an overlook in the mountains. I was then lifted into the stratosphere where I could gaze down at the Earth. Gradually, I was brought back down to Earth. The year 900 A.D., in Africa. The sun was bright, the dirt bleached and dry. I looked down to see my feet long, narrow and dark. To my surprise, I knew I was an African priestess even though I wasn’t sure what that even meant.

Next, the facilitator asked me to describe my surroundings and how I was feeling. I described my surroundings and that I felt sad and alone. I was in a village where I didn’t speak the language but somehow, I knew I would be cared for because I was a highly regarded and respected elder.

My children were taken from me and I was silenced, sent to live the remainder of my days isolated in a village that didn’t speak my language.

Next, I regressed further to a time just before when I felt happy. Boom! I was sitting on the floor in a tent laughing with my children and husband. In my village. Then other elders from the village came into the tent and I felt an overwhelming fear and sadness, betrayed. I looked back into my husband’s eyes, (eyes that I’d seen a million times throughout many lifetimes) and knew he'd orchestrated for me to be banished from the village. He did this because he and the other men felt threatened by my power and influence. My children were taken from me and I was silenced, sent to live the remainder of my days isolated in a village that didn’t speak my language. This was one of many experiences I would have throughout my week in Timeline but it wasn’t clear to me what any of it meant. It just felt like I was suffering, reliving unpleasant experiences from the past.

I saw the same pattern, with me as a child, an adult, in my mother’s life and my own children’s lives of fear and rejection. I had a perspective unlike any before.

It wasn’t until later in the week after becoming frustrated, tired and complaining that I felt like I was in a therapy session (my ego rejecting growth) that, per the suggestion of the trainer, I sat out the next exercise. I went to the crystal and called my daughter to let her know how things were going. It was after speaking to her that everything fell like puzzle pieces into place. I saw the same pattern, with me as a child, an adult, in my mother’s life and my own children’s lives of fear and rejection. I had a perspective unlike any before. As if I was an outsider looking at my life and the origins of my feelings, thoughts and choices.

I realized this traumatizing experience was the beginning of a belief that I still carried with me to that day.

Reflecting on the week’s first past life regression, I realized this traumatizing experience was the beginning of a belief that I still carried with me to that day. A belief that if I was my authentic empowered self, I would be rejected. This powerful belief had informed the way I felt about myself and my [poor] choices.  

I stopped seeing myself as the victim of painful and difficult experiences and began to appreciate the lessons as opportunities to overcome my self-imposed limitations.

Timeline gave me the gift of a new perspective. For the first time, I was able to objectively preview my lives’ experiences. I quickly realized this fear and belief I’d been carrying was no longer relevant. It was time to let it go. I stopped seeing myself as the victim of painful and difficult experiences and began to appreciate the lessons as opportunities to overcome my self-imposed limitations. I knew from that moment, the only thing preventing me from perusing my full potential was me.

During Timeline I not only explored negative experiences in past lives, but positive ones too, which helped me to understand my individuality, inclinations, preferences, innate abilities and gifts.

I’m pursuing my dreams with a freedom unlike ever before. Even if not certain, I no longer question my ability to accomplish the things “I’ve always wanted to” do.

Thanks to Timeline, I’m now able to see all of the wonderful aspects of myself with a new-found appreciation and love. I’m pursuing my dreams with a freedom unlike ever before. Even if not certain, I no longer question my ability to accomplish the things “I’ve always wanted to” do. Additionally, a bonus side-effect is that I now connect with others in a much more meaningful and powerful way, seeing them as a rich and beautiful tapestry full of infinite possibilities.


Click here, to learn more about Timeline and book your own time travel experience!

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Jenny Whedbee

Monroe Marketing Director

As Marketing Director, Jenny creates marketing programs designed to accomplish the Monroe Institute's mission of furthering the experience and exploration of consciousness, expanded awareness, and discovery of self. She knows first-hand what a profoundly positive effect the Institute’s programs can have on a person’s perspective and is thrilled to be putting her years of experience and heart into the success of the Institute. Outside of Monroe, Jenny races mountain bikes, brews beer, and enjoys spending time with her two daughters, family, friends and beloved Springer Spaniel, Afton.