If you’re familiar with the Monroe Institute, it’s likely you are familiar with expanded states of consciousness or have had a conscious awakening yourself. If this is the case, it’s quite possible that you have communicated with your animals on a deeper level. Maybe you recognized that you did, and maybe you didn’t. You, of course, already have your own language with your pets. You recognize that they need to go out when they give you a certain signal you both know. You know they are hungry when they look at you a certain way.

Animals tend to project pictures into the minds of those they try to communicate with. Maybe you know this and have been communicating through imagery back and forth with your pet.

But what about other forms of communication? Animals tend to project pictures into the minds of those they try to communicate with. Maybe you know this and have been communicating through imagery back and forth with your pet. If you’re just learning this, I’ll bet you can think back and recall a time that you saw something clearly when your pet looked at you, and at the time didn’t realize the visualization came from them. Having been through many Monroe programs, I recognize that all animals have a consciousness and are able to be communicated with on a telepathic level. 

This is a topic that the Monroe Institute has been looking into for quite some time. In the past, Monroe offered programs on how to communicate with animals. There were studies years ago conducted on animals and Monroe's audio support and if you search the Monroe Institute store, you can find audio exercises available to guide you through the steps to communicate with animals. In fact, with the internet helping to spread information on animal consciousness, much more of the world is opening up to the idea, and animals are gaining more rights. So, let’s discuss the benefits of communicating with animals. 

Strengthens visualization and telekinetic skills

I know I had many preconceived notions about the idea of telekinesis before I really began studying it. It appears in sci-fi shows so much that it seems like a fantasy. But we can, in fact, use telekinesis to communicate with our pets. The more practice you have in sitting down with your pet, clearing your mind, and vibrating on a higher level with them, the more easily you can send images back and forth into each other’s minds. 

The more I communicate with my pets, the stronger I feel my telekinetic skills become.

The more I communicate with my pets, the stronger I feel my telekinetic skills become. Of course, since visualization is one of the main ways to communicate with animals, the more practice you have doing so, the better your visualization skills become, too. 

Feel different vibration levels

Throughout my experiences, I have discovered that I can feel different vibrational frequency levels depending on the Focus level I am in during my meditations. I’ve found that to communicate with my pets requires tuning in to their higher vibration level. First, I feel being on this higher level with my pets brings us closer together, which is absolutely a benefit of communicating with them. The process has also opened me up to different vibrational levels which has, in turn, helped me be even more comfortable in my own meditation process. The more I experience in my meditations, the more comfortable I am and the more I want to return for a new journey. 

Teaches new ways to listen 

As a society, I find that we are often closed off to communication, especially in places like Los Angeles (where I am). I see that many people just coast through the day stuck in their worlds without allowing connection to the people, animals or nature around them.

I’ve found that the more I practice new ways of listening, such as through visualization with my pets, the more I am open to listening to the world on different levels.

I’ve found that the more I practice new ways of listening, such as through visualization with my pets, the more I am open to listening to the world on different levels. I find myself noticing the bright colors of nature. I find myself more attentive to those walking around me, looking for signals from their body language, understanding their intentions and not just focusing on my own, and connecting more with other people. Of course, this has also allowed me to listen much more intently to what my pets are telling me in everyday life, and in turn, that has opened me listen better to my own guidance and intuition. 

There are so many benefits to regularly communicating with the animal world. Aside from strengthening your relationship with your pets, learning to communicate with them may just surprise you. You may just begin to see the world in a whole new way. 

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.