The concept of the field of dimensions that exist somewhere far away didn't fit my sense of knowing.

One night, at the age of five, I experienced myself as a tiny awareness, a being without any form, standing on the edge of my body. The five-year-old physical body seemed so gigantic and surrounded by space expanding endlessly. I still vividly remember that sense of distance—so close but very far and so near but very deep. Gazing at the vast dark space, I told myself, “This time, stay Here and try not to fall into There.”

In February 2010, I started drawing mandala art and communicating with invisible guides through the art. One day, when I completed my piece of art, the whispering I perceived from the guide was, "This is your self-portrait. You are at the center of all. You are not a line, not a dot, not even color at all. You exist at the center point,  A HOLE."

When the sound frequencies ran throughout my physical body and nonphysical body, a vast space opened within and around, and I experienced seven stages of shift.

A Hole!!?? I was shocked because I had never thought of that hole in the way the guide described. The hole was made by my compass when the initial circle was created in the center of the paper. Now I realized how important it was. Even though it's a tiny pinpoint of empty space, it can encase all action. Without this invisible part, nothing can happen. It made me think about the self-portrait without the self, and how powerful that tiny empty hole is, how it can create the whole.

I wanted to expand this experience, to know how the "invisible part of Self effects all action," in different activities so that I could gain a greater understanding of the Self.

The existence of the invisible … something felt very familiar. Then, I had a flashback to the night of my five-year-old experience. I felt a strong sense rising, which gently nudged me to reveal one of the aspects of the Self—to know who I am and even WHAT I am.

It was revealed so suddenly and unexpectedly during the Starlines II program exercises. When the sound frequencies ran throughout my physical body and nonphysical body, a vast space opened within and around, and I experienced seven stages of shift.

  1. My physical upper body started rotating slowly and smoothly for a while.
  2. Two different sound frequencies moved gradually from my lower to upper body.
  3. Both of my physical eyeballs began to move in different directions. It altered my belief system and was quite entertaining!
  4. I perceived a condensed energy with two separate tops. The bottom was rooted somewhere in the lower part of my body.
  5. When the sound ran through my entire body, the nonphysical body stretched upward, then the shape of its head was gradually transformed.
  6. I became the shape of a tube. With the flow of the sounds, I was able to perceive both the inside and outside at the same time.
  7. Suddenly, I realized that I was in the center of a torus. I was the hole, a most balanced, gentle, yet powerful transcendent space. I fit in there perfectly.

I perceived the multidimensional fields, as the light body and expanded perception were integrated into the whole, within the physical body frame.

I became expanded perception, easily reaching both the Galactic Core and the Earth Core from the center of the torus. Then I noticed that the Galactic Core and the Earth Core are integrated at the center of the torus where I existed as a hole. Finally, I perceived the multidimensional fields, as the light body and expanded perception were integrated into the whole, within the physical body frame.

As a result of this experience, I can feel that alignment with the energy of the Galactic Core and the Earth Core, which makes me feel grounded on the Earth in daily life.

This process started such a long time ago. My experiences with each TMI program I’ve taken—Gateway Voyage, Lifeline, Exploration 27, Timeline, and Starlines 1—have been preparations. Each experience seeded my harvest of the next in divine order for me.

The most important thing for me is to remain aware of the sense of freedom I have gained ...

The most important thing for me is to remain aware of the sense of freedom I have gained, then to bring it into my experiments in different dimensions. This will always lead me to new perceptions of wholeness and oneness. Moreover, it is a gift from the Purest Creative Essence that fulfills my curiosity and reveals meaning.

Being a creator with inspired action is Fun! It is the most I have experienced throughout this process of transformation, transfiguration, and transmutation!

I discovered that one aspect of my Self as a hole, as a selfless and formless being, is to welcome the essence of Love and to be a link-up point for the Galactic Core and Earth Core. It is WHAT I AM.

Join the creator of the Starlines programs, Dr. Franceen King, for a multi-dimensional journey through deep space.

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Erika Mizukami

Monroe Program Graduate

Erika Mizukami was born in New York, then lived in Tokyo from the time she was three. She currently lives in New York. Erika is a hypnotist, educator, adviser, consultant, and a visionary artist. She facilitates clients—business owners, professional musicians, artists, parents, children, and even unborn babies—to create synchronicity and manifest the most comfortable, gentle environments and supportive people around them. Erika began practicing with Hemi-Sync in 2007 and never thought of visiting TMI because of the results she achieved on her own were excellent. But that changed in 2018 when she became aware of the Starlines programs. Without hesitation, she registered for and attended the Gateway Voyage in May 2018, followed by Lifeline, Exploration 27, and Timeline during that Summer. In 2019 she achieved her dream and participated in Starlines I in April, then Starlines II in July. Erika says, “These two years have been gifts from the Universe! I am so grateful for the opportunity.”