By Donna Barton. Reprinted with permission of the author from the "Working With I Am the Word" Blog

I had no interest in psychic abilities until 2017. A life shock brought me to my first-ever psychic reading (with Paul Selig). After that, I found a mentor. Soon I began to see psychic development as part of spiritual development.

"Now we will not speak of psychic abilities as if they are something mystical, because they are not. They are simply an amplification of what you are already doing without the limitations that you have placed there in your agreement with cultural availability to expected norms, or through a self-identification of limitation, which says, “I am not allowed, “Because it doesn't have to be so, I don’t believe it can be so.”       ~ The Guides through Paul Selig. “Book of Love and Creation,” Page 47

Etymology for the word psychic: "of or pertaining to the human soul" from Greek psykhikos "of the soul, spirit, or mind"

Development of one’s psychic abilities is like learning to ride a bike—natural and fun. But when you learn to ride a bike, you're supported by social approval or perceived normalcy. This can be lacking in psychic development. It's beyond the known and normal, outside our cultural comfort zone.

As part of my development, I attended consciousness exploration programs at the Monroe Institute in Virginia. Before that, I'd had experiences of non-ordinary consciousness that left me a bit 'between worlds' and wishing for the company of like-minded others. At Monroe, the atmosphere was rich with science as well as faith. Practicing psychic development in a social context was not only fun, it was validating and healing. This affirmation, key to all their programs, still hangs on my wall.

I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.

Therefore, I deeply desire: to expand, to experience, to know, to understand, to control, and to use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.

Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development and experience are equal to or greater than my own.

I ask for their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires

I am more than my physical body ...

Many of us don't know what it is to sense ourselves as energy. We're desensitized to our energy body; we're also often desensitized to our physical body. That is what yoga really tries to address, a deeper sort of sensory awareness connected to our physicality.

"Now we want to discuss feeling and what feeling is. And when we talk about feeling we are not discussing emotional responses. We are speaking in terms of sensory experience." The Guides through Paul Selig. "Book of Love and Creation," pg 72

Yoga isn't exclusively a physical practice; another benefit is enrichment of sensory awareness. Practicing yoga improves cellular regeneration, and it is key to developing the yoga siddhis (aka 'yoga superpowers') which include many forms of psychic abilities. As we sense ourselves as part of universal energy, fear dwindles. We reestablish a felt connection with ourselves as infinite, as universal energy. Our fear ratio reduces as we embody our true (energetic) nature.

The belief that we're a finite physical body contributes to our sense of lack and powerlessness. We experience life as happening to us rather than through us. That would be victim consciousness.

The development of our psychic senses is like learning to trust and heal the subtle, sensitive parts of ourselves. Aspects of our soul emit fear signals; they are afraid. They're afraid because they're lost. They were lost or outcast by us in times of trauma. Trauma is a catch-all word to describe suppression of energy in order to fit in or survive. Unresolved trauma is also inherited. Re-knowing these aspects is part of psychic development.

We are energy. We are energy walking around as matter steeped in old beliefs of its limitations. Fear is a signal to us from a deep part of ourselves. We were once burned at the stake. Thrown in lakes. Gas-lighted. All those past lives are also in this Now moment. With us. As us.

As we connect with our energetic identity, something in us relaxes. Yes, quantum physics has informed us that we're not matter. Our brains understand. But our bodies carry old fear-based beliefs. We've had lifetimes of gas-lighting. Psychic development is a form of inner yoga that supports us in sensing ourselves in a new way.

Imagine yourself as vapor is to water.


I am more than my physical body ...

We've built a world of effort and force. We are witness to an epidemic of anxiety and fear.

What if we build a world that reflects the power of sensing our shared being?

There's something in us and throughout us that wants our attention, our love; but our body inherits a fear of it. Christian mystic Hildegard of Bingen spoke often of viriditas. She described it as the greening of things from within. Viriditas is like what we know as photosynthesis. She saw a readiness in plants to receive the sun and to transform it into energy and life. She saw connection between the physical world and divine Presence that translates into inner energy, the soul and seed of everything. She described it as calling to us, “become who you are; become all that you are.” 

Science writer Kim Stanley Robinson describes vriditas as "The ... whorl, curving inward to infinity ... the driving force of the cosmos."

His description is a vortex. A vortex is energy. Energy is the heart of matter.

I am more than my physical body ...

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Donna Barton


Donna has been an explorer of consciousness for years. Her search for answers led her to become a yoga teacher and a spiritual medium. She’ll never forget her sadness as a kid when the TV show Tarzan was cancelled. But she continues to dream of a world where we're free & in harmony with nature. She once worked in the field of Environmental Science in the hopes of a happier greener planet. Now her work is in the inner environment, knowing it’s also external. You can find her over at