I lost my partner 5 years ago, I’m getting a bit long in the tooth, and I have been feeling a certain ennui of late—not really sure of my direction in life … I realized my goal for this program was to gain a new perspective.

Over the last twenty years I have attended fifteen different TMI programs, but somehow I never took Heartline. I had read about it, talked to other folks about it, perused the information on the website, but when it came time to register for my next program, there was always another one that caught my attention.

As I wondered what program to attend next, my inner Guidance told me that this was the year, and I registered for the March Heartline program. Led by two loving, heart-centered trainers, Penny Holmes and Rob Sandstrom, Heartline turned out to be a perfect program for this multiple-program grad. Heartline centers around Focus 18, and as such, may seem to be a program to take right after Gateway Voyage, and before delving into higher Focus levels. However, during Starlines, I traveled to Focus 49 and beyond, and I found the experience of those far reaches to be extremely beneficial during this journey inward to the heart.

During the “welcome” interview, Penny asked me what I wanted to get out of the program. I lost my partner 5 years ago, I’m getting a bit long in the tooth, and I have been feeling a certain ennui of late—not really sure of my direction in life, not the usual chipper, optimistic person I’ve come to know and love over the decades that I have walked the earth. I realized my goal for this program was to gain a new perspective, or as Bob might put it, a Different Overview.

I suddenly felt a presence that filled my body, but which was centered in my heart. I knew that the true energy of my guidance was coming from my heart-center, not my brain.

I am a logical, left-brained, highly visual person. As such, I was unsure of what it means to be heart-centered, to see things from a feeling rather than a thinking perspective.

During Heartline that shifted.

On Sunday evening when we reconnected with ISH—our Inner Self Helpers—I suddenly felt a presence that filled my body, but which was centered in my heart. I knew that the true energy of my guidance was coming from my heart-center, not my brain. In later work with ISH I applied a simple direction that Rob gave us, “Smile to your heart,” and I felt a powerful message: “Now you get it.”

Much of the program is in Focus 18, and as I sank into the exercises, I began to see F-18 as a vortex, infinitely connecting me with All That Is. I went deep into my own consciousness to receive messages and expanded to the outer reaches to connect with my “I-There”1 cluster.

One exercise led us to receive messages, and the final one I got was an image of a mine shaft, with a mining cart studded with precious stones. In a pair of later exercises, where we teamed up with another participant and described our experiences in F-18, I explored the mine further and found a ledge with stacked gold bars. When I asked what my treasure was, I was told it was curiosity.

I found myself with a new perspective, one that didn’t need to look to the future with angst or ennui, but rather one that in the present moment can love who I am and where I find myself—right here and right now.

From there I further explored the cave. Suddenly the walls evaporated, and I was floating in the far reaches of space, surrounded by long strands of matter with nodes at intervals along the strands. One strand reached out and touched my forehead, and told me, “We are you, you are us,” and suddenly I was a part of that ever-reaching strand, at one with my I-There cluster.

The feeling of the presence of my ISH embodied in my heart has stayed with me. The I-There cluster still flows from my being in all directions. The truth does not need a program exercise to sustain it once it has been seen and felt at a deep level.

Heartline is more free-flowing than other graduate programs, incorporating art and music, videos, and shared experiences. It provides experiences in Focus 12 and Focus 21 as well as in F-18. And all the while participants are learning ways to be, rather than do.

It is only on Thursday that we learned what line of work other participants are in, as we spent the week focused on who we are, not what we do. But by then it didn’t really matter, for we had come to know each other at a different level, without one-upmanship or comparisons.

We had come to see each other from the heart.

And I found myself with a new perspective, one that didn’t need to look to the future with angst or ennui, but rather one that in the present moment can love who I am and where I find myself—right here and right now.

Come Have a Near Life Experience in the 5-day/6-night Heartline Program

Reacquaint Yourself with Your Feelings and Remember Who You Are


1 The I-There that each of us has, containing all previous and present life personalities.

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Susan Smily, MA

Monroe Professional Association Coordinator and Monroe Archivist

In addition to graduating from multiple Monroe programs, Susan Smily has been an Outreach Trainer and is a long-standing member of the Professional Association. She is the volunteer Professional Association Coordinator and Monroe's volunteer archivist. Susan is a teacher and speaker with more than 40 years’ experience in the classroom and other presentation venues. She is a published author and poet, traveler and renaissance woman. Susan is committed to helping others reach their highest potential and she carries this objective into all facets of her life's work.