When I began my week-long journey attending Starlines, I knew that it would be informative, inspiring, and life-changing. I’ve never known a Monroe Institute program not to be all of those things and more. Little did I know, I was about to experience a strange and wonderful sensation that I couldn’t even fathom at the time I began the program. Let me elaborate. It all started in an exercise early in the week when we were preparing to move to Focus 34/35 as a group. I was in Focus 27 at my special place, and we had to meet at the crystal at TMI there, an energetic footprint, if you will, where the whole group can meet together before moving on to the next part of an exercise. Something was pushing me to stay at my special place, however, so in an attempt to make it over to the group energy, I found myself experiencing both energetic places at the same time. I could visualize a split screen in my mind and feel them at the same time. I asked myself, “Can I be in two places at once in my mind? It appears I can be. Maybe that’s a parallel to the fact that I feel like I’m living two lives at once at this moment?” It left me questioning how and why this appeared in my mind despite never having even been a thought of a possibility before.

When I began my week-long journey attending Starlines, I knew that it would be informative, inspiring, and life-changing. I’ve never known a Monroe Institute program not to be all of those things and more.

The next development in this tale happened roughly halfway through the program. We were meditating on the concept of being deep in space, collecting pieces of our iThere, pieces of our existence that may have been left behind over our vast timelines. During this particular meditation, I saw a scene. I watched a woman living her life vividly, and then I moved on to another part of the meditation, to experience something else, but part of me stayed behind. Somehow, the first scene kept playing in my head, and as if on a split screen, as I moved on to the next thing, the other part of me kept going. So, I watched- no, not just watched, experienced- the stories of two different people play out before my eyes at the same time. It felt like watching a split screen movie, except I was able to feel immersed in both experiences, too.

I felt both energies, both contrasts, at the same time and lived in both worlds simultaneously- a new skill I am just floored, mesmerized, and confused by. I like the contradiction that sometimes, our lives are simple and sometimes, they are complex. But we are always ourselves. I felt a strange composition of the two stories together existing as one.

I felt both energies, both contrasts, at the same time and lived in both worlds simultaneously, a new skill I am just floored, mesmerized, and confused by.

It made me feel divided yet whole. Perhaps, this is what it truly means to be many facets of an existence. I see how the many parts of my iThere all exist at once yet what matters is where I direct my attention.

My capacity to view many things at the same time has since shifted and evolved. And throughout the program, I began exercising and utilizing this incredible new ability to experience many different things at one time, to feel what it was like to be many facets of the same existence, each experiencing something very different from another. Being able to feel the contrast and contradictions between those different split screens was unlike anything I’ve ever even imagined before. It was a wild skill I wish I could explain in greater detail, but one I am sure will come up again soon in my meditations.

Starlines taught me a new skill, the ability to experience different things at the same time, and it’s one that I’m sure will now be a consistent and evolving theme throughout my meditation journey.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.