Chances are you have heard of Joseph McMoneagle.

Joe is internationally renowned as a master remote viewer and author of four books on remote viewing. He was an R&D consultant to SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation, Inc. He participated in thousands of remote viewing trials in support of both experimental research and active intelligence operations for what is now known as Project STARGATE.

Joe has been training the highly popular Remote Viewing I and Remote Viewing II residential retreats at the Monroe Institute for several years.

Joe is also an impressive storyteller. On August 20th, he was interviewed by Todd McComas on the 10-41 podcast, “Joseph McMoneagle and the Stargate Project.”

What may be news to you is that Joe and his co-trainers now teach the “Remote Viewing Basics Virtual Retreat.”

RV Basics is a two-and-a-half-day experiential online journey into the fascinating world of RV. You’ll learn basic remote viewing techniques to begin developing your own innate ability to perceive and describe information about a person, place or object at a distance.

If there were ever a perfect time to sharpen our
perceptual senses, it is now.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

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Monroe Institute

The world's leading education center for the study of human consciousness.

For over 40 years the Monroe Institute has been welcoming consciousness explorers from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows you to pursue your own personal exploration of human consciousness.