Wow, best program yet!!!

It was the week before Starlines and I was all set to go. I was amazed the time had arrived so quickly. But as I set my intention in preparation for the program, I wondered why I had even signed up. I had no interest in looking for or making connections with ETs. But, if I happened to meet them, that would be okay.

Recognizing that the sun, moon, stars, and planets affect our bodies and our lives, I set my intention to explore making a deeper connection with the planets and celestial bodies I would be introduced to during the program.

The week before Starlines, while I was sitting in meditation, my consciousness was transported to a place that felt like ”home.” This was a visceral sensation of being somewhere familiar and resonant with my heart. I was not able to perceive any landscapes or context of this wonderful place. While I was basking in the peace and wonder of “home,” the being I had met in Focus 34/35 during the Exploration 27 program visited me. He said he had been introduced to me in X-27 because he was “sent to usher me home.” Instantly, the teachings I had received from Lee Stone, my X-27 trainer, that led to me meeting this being I call “Praying Mantis,” came flooding back --

If you see a ramp or doorway in any of your travels – take it.
If in your journey you meet a broom, don’t dismiss it, as it may have something to teach you.

My first reaction had been to ignore it and scan for something more important. That’s when Lee’s reminder had come clearly into my awareness.

In Focus 34/35, I had gone through a doorway and been greeted by what looked like a praying mantis. My first reaction had been to ignore it and scan for something more important. That’s when Lee’s reminder had come clearly into my awareness. I turned to “Praying Mantis,” who began to introduce himself. He later showed me around a guardian station observing planet Earth. This communication was the cleanest, clearest, and most peaceful I have ever experienced. It was not verbal but an exchange of thoughts and feelings. The clarity was due to the absence of mental drama and confusion and was enhanced by the intense focus and heart connection.
Thus prepared, I began the Starlines program. My first planetary exploration exercise was a “click-out.” I got nada, zip, nothing. I had just missed my opportunity to encounter and experience the vibrations of the first five planets in our galaxy, as I’d intended.
But, how fortuitous my click-out turned out to be! It allowed me to let go and open to new possibilities. My egoic ideas and preferences were out the window, and I was truly free to explore!

It took me 30 years to get here, but it was well worth the wait. I’m so grateful.

I was taken to my home star of Vega on three different occasions during the exercises. When I found myself in ancient Egypt, and then connected through light shifts to Vega, I remember saying to myself, “You know, I’m going to need confirmation of this.” Later, I Googled the connection between Egypt and the star Vega. What I found did confirm my experience. Discovered in 12,000 BC, Vega was known as Star of Ma’at, foundation of Egypt, and was the pole star as Polaris is now. Vega was also used in the goddess initiations of Isis.
The Starlines program smoothly and seamlessly brought me, and my program group as a whole, to a deeper understanding of the oneness of all of creation. It is this heart light energy generated as a group that allows us to travel light-years in an instant.
I feel deep gratitude for Bob Monroe, for his vision and the courage to share; for Franceen King, and her dedication and guidance in creating Starlines; and for all the Starlines graduates whose heart light energy supported my personal exploration of the inner universe while exploring the universe surrounding me.
Wow, best program yet!!!
It took me 30 years to get here, but it was well worth the wait. I’m so grateful.


Explore Life and Consciousness Beyond the Earth-Human Realm
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Debbie Grainger

Massage Therapist

Debbie Grainger, RN, CMT, is a Transformational Energy Healer, Certified Massage Therapist, and Zero Balancer. She has been working with Massage and Energy Balancing Therapies since 1982, offering a wide range of modalities. And the best part is, Debbie is the official massage therapist during our programs here at The Monroe Institute. If you’ve attended a program at TMI, you may very well have experienced her uniquely powerful physical and energetic healing sessions.