Imagine being expertly guided into deep, rich states of consciousness using a uniquely powerful audio technology.

Imagine being given tools and techniques to access those states at will for the purpose of communicating with guidance and connecting fully with your intuitive knowing.

Imagine experiencing all that in a beautiful exotic location where fabulous meals are freshly prepared and caringly served.

Now, imagine sharing such an adventure with a group of like-minded companions as curious and bold as yourself.

Is that the definition of luxury and fulfillment, or what!

Participants in the very first Moroccan Gateway Voyage program held May 14 - 20, 2016, reveled in just such an experience. Ably guided by TMI trainers Stefano Roverso of Italy and Luigi Sciambarella of England, the group, most of who were from Italy and the UK, found that, as the trainers reported, “the venue and
 situation created a unique opportunity for 
mixing different countries and cultures within 
the group. Because we were in Africa, they were constantly exposed to a very different style of life: less focus on material things, more simplicity, friendly relationships with everyone, more contact with nature (the ocean, the desert), and of course, great food!”

Most TMI trainers will attest that each program they facilitated is in some way transforming for themselves as well as for the participants. The Moroccan Gateway was no exception. Luigi and Stefano talk about their collaboration:

As trainers, we are like brothers and really appreciated the opportunity to work and have fun together on something as valuable as the Gateway Voyage program and TMI’s mission. We'd worked some years ago in Italy, but it was great to reconnect for such a powerful week of exploration. We're certain that the participants were aware of the energy of our positive relationship. We all began to act like a beautiful family where everyone could relax, have fun, and enjoy the journey!

OK, here’s something else to imagine: a Consciousness Spa.

At TMI our intent is to offer the ambiance of a consciousness spa to everyone who comes to the Institute in Virginia. We feel it is important to meet the physical and aesthetic needs of participants, allowing them to better focus on their inner, intuitive journeys.

This ethos was echoed in the venue and accommodations enjoyed during the Moroccan Gateway, here described by Stefano and Luigi.

We were hosted in a beautifully simple and comfortable hotel/ restaurant, booked for our exclusive use, that became like our family holiday home. Every morning Moochta, the hotel assistant, welcomed each of us by name and prepared breakfast according to our personal preferences: eggs, bread, marmalade, fresh fruit, mint-tea, coffee, croissants, or whatever we liked.

Each lunch and dinner became a pleasant time for connection and integration with the group. The delicious freshly prepared Moroccan dishes made just for us included tagines of fresh fish, vegetables, meat, fruit, and cakes—all very much appreciated by the participants.

As the week unfolded and experiences deepened, interesting, immersive discussions took place and powerful insights occurred for many of the participants.

Now, one final vision: Imagine yourself in this full service, consciousness expanding, heart opening, and luxurious week!

Based on the success of this first Gateway Voyage program in Morocco, Luigi and Stefano hope to offer more such programs.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

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Luigi Sciambarella

Monroe Off-Campus Residential Trainer

As a Residential Trainer, Luigi is dedicated to bringing more weekend and residential programs to the UK, and is involved in helping to build an explorer community as a UK local chapter network Representative. He also support Monroe as a Professional Division Member; taking part in experimental research and developing new applications for the Monroe technologies.