As Bob used to say ... "It's up to you now—go find out for yourself!" So, in parting, I'd also like to say, as you continue your journey of exploration—It's up to you now—Explore, expand, experience, and have fun!

Dear Friends Everywhere,

March 4th marks my retirement as the Institute's President & Executive Director, a position that has been a great honor and pleasure for me to fill these past five years. I leave TMI under the excellent leadership of our new President & Executive Director, Scott Taylor, EdD.

Before I leave, I want to give all of you a huge, heartfelt Thank You!

Obviously, without you, there would be no Monroe Institute. Your active participation, your commitment of time, energy, and thought (remember Bob's "TET!"); your effort and resources, along with your willingness to further the mission of TMI, have been and are key to serving our growing global community, now and moving forward. You have given your heart, mind, and spirit in solid support of TMI, which has been a major factor in keeping TMI strong and thriving.

I acknowledge your courage and curiosity—your powerful spirit. You wouldn't be where you are without it. And neither would we.

Even more fundamentally, you—as the Gateway Affirmation states so beautifully—"… deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive … ". I acknowledge your courage and curiosity—your powerful spirit. You wouldn't be where you are without it. And neither would we.

You probably know that Robert Monroe was my stepfather, and to one degree or another, my entire adult life has been intimately connected with Bob's work. It has been an astounding, miraculous, sometimes challenging, but always a deeply fulfilling journey. I can't wait to see what's around the next corner!

With the Institute strong and stable, and with a highly skilled and dedicated team in place here in Virginia and around the world, I look forward to retirement. My husband Joe McMoneagle and I are eager for much more "us" time with our fur family. We are both excitedly looking forward to exploring our next life adventures together. And yes, Joe will still train the Remote Viewing courses and give presentations here at TMI as I delve back into my lifelong passion and practice of astrology—inspiring people about their lives, using their astrological charts as blueprints for optimizing their unique gifts and potential.

As Bob used to say to program participants after they had gained the various tools from Gateway and other programs, "It's up to you now—go find out for yourself!" So, in parting, I'd also like to say, as you continue your journey of exploration—It's up to you now—Explore, expand, experience, and have fun!

The Monroe Institute is in great hands …

With love and blessings,

Nancy "Scooter" McMoneagle

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.