“I find that making a distinction between how the physical body feels and how the spirit feels is paramount to living with cancer. Often, my body is tired and in pain. I can let the pain just BE when I focus on my spirit, on being appreciative and loving life. This distinction is what keeps me going.”

Kathie Holub has advanced ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed two and a half years ago. When chemotherapy was recommended, Kathie faced a serious decision. “I was never a fan of chemo and did not have a lot of faith in it at all. I asked for guidance and listened carefully. My gut said, ‘you have to experience chemo’.”

That treatment would have failed completely if I hadn’t used Chemotherapy Companion.

“The Hemi-Sync® CD Chemotherapy Companion is what got me through it. That treatment would have failed completely if I hadn’t used Chemotherapy Companion. The exercises quieted my thinking and helped me allow the chemo to work. I found the recordings so relaxing that I often ‘clicked out’—all the better for allowing those positive messages to flow into my subconscious.

“The chemo did work for a while, which I am very grateful for. It has given me time—time to really say 'I love you.' The support of my daughters and husband, the trust they have in my process, my choices, is a gift of love. My husband is an angel as a caregiver.

“A few weeks ago my daughter came to receive her Reiki master certification from me. We worked together at my pace. It was so beautiful. I was able to pass along that legacy to her with full awareness of all that it means.”

Time has also given Kathie the chance to move into a partnership with cancer. She pays attention to where her body, mind, and spirit meet it. “Where do I have control? I can control how I handle living with cancer. It has it’s own life as well.”

Keeping the spirit strong is my most important work— realizing I am more than the physical body. Moment-to-moment awareness of a relationship with the Divine helps me to live in gratitude and experience joy in life.

Kathie has developed a set of highly effective tools for nurturing her spirit and living her best life each day—


“Keeping the spirit strong is my most important work—realizing I am more than the physical body. Moment-to-moment awareness of a relationship with the Divine helps me to live in gratitude and experience joy in life. For me, being with nature is essential. I have a grove of cathedral-like pines that always lifts my spirit and reminds me of the majestic expressions of the Divine. The tree spirits are gentle healers that embrace us with their strength and stillness.

“Sometimes I watch leaves of the maple trees. When green, they help feed the tree and provide shade. Just before a leaf's death, it becomes such a rich red, orange, and yellow, as if showing off the wisdom and glory it gained from life. Then it releases so gently and floats down to the earth. The leaf then has a new job description—to decay and protect the ground around the tree before becoming rich mulch. The leaf’s whole existence is about nurturing the tree that gave it life. Perhaps we are like that with our relationship to Divine light. Death brings us into another expression of Divine life.”

Shifting Consciousness States

“Changing states of consciousness is key to dealing with aches and pains. I am lucky to have the capacity to focus my mind away from the physical pain and discomforts. Years of being a hypnotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and Reiki master have given me lots of practice going into altered states of consciousness.”


“I use Hemi-Sync recordings for my ‘naps.' Patty Ray Avalon's Inner States and Positively Ageless are among my favorites. Bill Buhlman's Destination: Higher Self album is perfect for the stage of life that I am dealing with now. After listening, I get up from a nap refreshed and positive about the day.”

Creative Projects

“Doing creative projects is another favorite tool for keeping the spirit high. The physical interaction with the materials, and watching creative expression emerge, is wonderful medicine. “


“Good novels are also a great way of letting the body rest and distracting the mind for hours.”

I am not a ‘fighter.’ I see that as an unnecessary struggle. I am a person with powerful intent.

“Acceptance of the cancer process allows me to be in harmony with it. I have to go with the flow of it each day, which is a great change from my old way of being. Most of my life I pushed my body to keep going. I worked 60 to 70 hours a week. This is a totally new thing. Now I have to simply let the body rest when it needs to. So, naps are in the daily schedule. I have to admit that making this change has been a struggle.

“There is fighting cancer, and there is surrendering to the flow. I am not a ‘fighter.’ I see that as an unnecessary struggle. I am a person with powerful intent. That is, I set a course and go for it. Like sailing a boat, it’s best to work in harmony with the currents and winds.”

Remember that your ultimate goal is not physical survival.
~ Robert A. Monroe, Ultimate Journey


For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note: Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync®.



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Kathie Holub


Kathie Holub has been a positive presence around the Institute since 2010. She served first on the admin team, then became a host, welcoming arriving program participants, and filled in as a substitute yoga instructor. She and her husband David live near TMI in Virginia. Kathie is a Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Shamanic healer, Tarot and metaphysical teacher, and has a strong background in social service. She is an Integral Yoga teacher, having studied and lived in Yogaville, an ashram a few miles from TMI.