One of the most common concepts in the metaphysical world is the idea of “raising your vibrations.” Something I’ve learned throughout all of my experiences at the Monroe Institute, as well as growing up around a seasoned intuitive at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., is that most people in spiritual circles frequently talk about the same ideas but use different terminology. We’ve talked about this a bit in other blog posts. For instance, what we call our higher selves at the Monroe Institute is often referred to as our council by other trained experts. Raising your vibrations is just another way of saying expanding your awareness and reaching higher states of consciousness.

Because the topic is so popular, I’ve decided to discuss some of the best techniques and tools I’ve learned and used to raise my vibrations and, in turn, expand my awareness through my time at Monroe.

The Monroe Preparatory Process

Of all the meditation prep I’ve experienced, the preparatory process I learned at Monroe has been the most beneficial. This process helps to ground me while also allowing me to focus. The initial step of mentally putting any distractions away in a box really helps me cut out unnecessary thoughts and focus on my process. I also tend to take that time to ground myself by focusing on the here and now. I think the more grounded we are when beginning a meditation, the easier it is to separate the mind from the body and enter the state of mind awake, body asleep

Raising your vibrations is just another way of saying expanding your awareness and reaching higher states of consciousness.

I’ve tried a lot of different methods over the years to raise my vibrations in preparation for meditation exercises, but nothing has ever helped me quite as much as resonant tuning. During resonant tuning, I’m able to turn off my mental busy-ness, focus within, and build an energy to help slip into higher states of consciousness with my pre-planned goal.

I tend to have the best tuning results when I feel myself bringing a great amount of energy into my body with each inhale, and, humming on the exhale, seeing the energy expand out around me, filling my space (almost like my REBAL tool). I allow this to build and build with each breath until I find my energy heightened yet also focused as I enter into each exercise.


Gratitude is the other major tool that helps me to raise my vibrations and feel this enormous amount of positive energy building inside me. I find it’s always best to enter a meditation from a joyful and grateful mood. We attract what we put out there, so we don’t want to begin meditating in a bad mindset. Though it can be hard at times to generate the full effects of gratitude, it’s always within us as long as we know how to access it.

If you’re having trouble finding that place of happy gratitude, you might try growing it by focusing on each of the things that bring you joy in your life. I think of my cats, my dog, my husband, my family, the successes in my work, my house, etc. I give each thought the amount of time I think I need, and linger on each thing that brings me joy for at least a few seconds. I consider all the good they bring into my life, live in the happy memories, and feel that joy building with each happy thought. I allow this to build until I feel a sense of overwhelming energy and happiness. This, in my opinion, is always a reliable way to raise my vibrations and expand my energy in the most refreshing and joyous way possible.

We attract what we put out there, so we don’t want to begin meditating in a bad mindset. Though it can be hard at times to generate the full effects of gratitude, it’s always within us as long as we know how to access it.

Learn What Works for You

Of course, we’re all different. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. The only real way to discover the best way to raise your own vibrations is to try various techniques until you find one that suits you. Once you find your perfect, comfortable fit, you won’t want to go back to any other.

As for me, after years of developing my process, I begin my meditations by grounding with a bit of mindfulness. Then I build gratitude in the way I mentioned above, and then move into my preparatory process (which includes resonant tuning and my REBAL). With that, I’m able to be present, fluid, and creative throughout each exercise. Everyone is different, and we will all have different methods of raising our vibrations. Eventually, after a bit of practice, you’ll know what it feels like in each Focus level, and be able to quickly and easily access higher states of consciousness and raise your vibrations in a matter of seconds. It just takes time experimenting, finding the right techniques, and doing what works best for you.


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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.