… one does not apply the Law of Attraction any more than one applies the Law of Gravity.

“So, what made you start applying the Law of Attraction in your life?” I knew exactly what she was asking although one does not apply the Law of Attraction any more than one applies the Law of Gravity. This powerful universal law is always in effect whether we are aware of it or not. The key is in understanding and working with the Law of Attraction.

I answered with the shorter version of the story. My husband Tip and I were living a most enjoyable life in Anchorage, Alaska, where we had a thriving marriage, a beautiful home, interesting teaching jobs, many close friends, diverse educational opportunities, year-round recreational activities, a dynamic metaphysical community, and a lake-front cabin. We also had summers off for relaxing, traveling, taking classes, and expanding our business.

We certainly seemed to have everything. … And yet, something of a less tangible nature was missing.

We certainly seemed to have everything, and clearly the creative visualization and manifestation techniques we had been teaching in our classes and workshops were benefiting us as well. What more could we want? And yet, something of a less tangible nature was missing.

Spring weekends at our isolated cabin in its beautiful natural setting afforded us timeless opportunities for individual reflection and shared discussion. What did we really like about our current life? What did we not like? If we had no fears and no limitations, how could our life experiences unfold? How comfortable were we with change? Insights flowed in, but the big revelation came two months later when we had extended our stay in Bali, Indonesia, after having seen our tour group safely off on their return trip to Alaska. Except for scouting a few hotels for future tours, we had absolutely no plans. For a week we observed and interacted with the rural Balinese whose work and non-work lives seemed to mesh seamlessly. Suddenly we knew what we desired in our lives – freedom, right livelihood (intrinsically fulfilling work of service), passion, purpose, expansion, peace, and joy.

… why would we wait so long for something we deeply desired? Fear. That was the only reason, and it wasn’t a good one.

Our default setting led initially to a five-year timeline to get all our ducks in a row. And then we asked ourselves why we would wait so long for something we deeply desired. Fear. That was the only reason, and it wasn’t a good one. We decided to focus on only what we wanted and to ignore everything else, knowing that the Universe and the powerful Law of Attraction would support and delight us in ways we could not even imagine. We felt a tremendous rush of energy as we began the process of moving into alignment with our desires. Inspired action is enjoyable and easy. Within ten months we were beginning our 4,500-mile drive to our new home in Virginia.

En route, we lavished attention on the details of our new house, right livelihood, friends, and activities as if they were already our physical reality. Within two days of arriving, we found a house with 26 of the 27 features we had envisioned, including a curved brick walkway, French doors onto a porch, and a root cellar. We got a carport instead of a garage because we had repeatedly spoken of being able to “put the car under cover”!

This significant and inspiring life change led to our living much more consciously on a daily basis. We’re always delighted, of course, to see our dreams physically manifested, but even more exciting is being aware of the steady stream of evidence that many other desires are in the process of being realized.

If your current life experience is not as you desire, then you have been creating by default, which is what most people do.

The Law of Attraction says “Like attracts like.” We are vibrational beings (“I am more than my physical body”) living in a vibrational universe where everything is vibration. Whatever we are giving our attention to or thinking about—wanted or unwanted—is drawn to us. Bob Monroe speaks often to this, including his admonition in Journeys Out of the Body to “be absolutely sure of the results you desire, and constantly in control of the thoughts you engender.” In our Earth Life System the time lag often masks the connection between our thoughts and what we manifest.

If your current life experience is not as you desire, then you have been creating by default, which is what most people do. You can, however, begin right now to consciously and deliberately change your life. Need a powerful jump-start? The new Law of Attraction program introduces you to the key concepts of the Law of Attraction as well as to many effective processes, techniques, tools, and resources for creating your desired reality. We’d love to have you join us for a transformational week!

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.



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Ellen Jones-Walker

Monroe Residential, Outreach, and Guest Trainer and Local Chapter Network advocate

Ellen’s educational and professional background is in linguistics, foreign/second language education, cross-cultural communication, organizational development, and instructional design and delivery. After many years in the classroom, she went full-time with her training and consulting business, providing services to clients throughout the U.S. and abroad. For the past thirty-five years she has also given workshops and credit courses on human potential, meditation, law of attraction, healing, and other personal and spiritual development topics.