Hello, Everyone!

Is it just me, or does time seem to be accelerating for you, too?

Explanations for this phenomenon abound, both physical and metaphysical. Either way, the sensation of time speeding up is real at the experiential level. Personally, I find it both challenging and exciting. 

A friend once said, “We’re laying down track as the train moves forward.” A good metaphor! The trick is maintaining trust that the track will be there when that enormous speeding train rolls over it. My guess is you know exactly what I’m talking about.

So, our track (and the Gregorian calendar) has brought us to the cusp of another new year, always a productive perspective from which to review the past, imagine the future, and resonate with gratitude in the present.

Thanks to you—TMI’s family and friends everywhere—the Institute took several significant steps forward in 2017. Here are some highlights:

  • Research Renewal
    In our ongoing efforts to stoke the fires of scientific investigation into the phenomena of consciousness, we have several fascinating projects in process.
  • Outreach
    We sponsored a highly productive European Outreach and Residential Trainer Weekend Retreat in Vrisoules, Greece at the beautiful Noosfera Retreat Center.
  • Programs
    We premiered five—count ‘em, five!—new residential programs and two powerful online programs.
  • Products
    2 new SAM-powered music pieces and a free, guided meditation were released in 2017.
  • Donations
    Donations have enabled us to grant 19 scholarships, replace our old airport van, repair the roof of the Nancy Penn Center, install fiber optic internet access, and increase our admin team.

And for 2018? Well, we have some very hot irons in the fire. Here’s a preview:

  • Research
    Watch for our copper wall project, psychomanteum project, additional mind mirror programs, and more SAM evoked potential research.
  • Outreach
    European Outreach Trainer candidates will gather at the Outreach Trainer Program (OTP) in next April in Italy. We also expect to augment the Outreach curriculum with more program offerings.
  • Programs
    Hotly anticipated for 2018 are Serving Spirit, an evidential mediumship residential weekend workshop presented by Suzanne Giessmann, William and Susan Buhlman’s Enlightened Transitions online course, and Remote Viewing II, a new residential program with Joe McMoneagle.
  • Amenities
    We are also looking to raise the bar on our hospitality offerings with more locally sourced and organic foods.
  • Products
    Topping the list are more SAMusic pieces and SAM guided meditations.
  • Development and Fundraising
    TMI is entering 2018 with a series of Cases for Support targeting growth in three key areas: research, program development, and facilities.

As the New Year unfolds, and we witness our collective vision for TMI taking form, know that your time, energy, focus, and resources are fundamental to the future of the Institute. For that, I thank you from the depths of my being.

To your greatest fulfillment,

Nancy H. McMoneagle
President & Executive Director

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.