I’ve led a very blessed life. I met and married my soul mate. My education was broad, including both liberal arts and the physical sciences culminating with a PhD in Human Factors Engineering. My career(s) include Marine pilot, NASA engineer, psychological counseling and testing, driving formula race cars, and raising a family producing two sons of whom I’m inordinately proud.

Spatial Angle Modulation™—SAM—the newest Monroe audio technology is designed to complement Hemi-Sync® in aiding listeners to enter the most effective brain-mind states through which transformative consciousness shifts can occur.

Three years ago, my wife relocated from the physical to the non-physical. I sought solace in meditation as a means of understanding what had happened. The future I/we had planned disappeared and there was a blank slate in front of me. I could find no way to clear the clutter from my overactive mind, to keep it focused on the task of understanding and coping with this new situation, to figure out what new steps I had to take, and to determine the direction in which I needed to head. I didn’t know what this new future was I was now facing.

My search for answers led me to a medium, with whom I began to study. She gave me a couple of Bruce Moen’s books that introduced me to TMI. Hemi-Sync®, the audio technology developed by Robert Monroe and used in TMI programs, pretty much cleared my mental clutter. That led me to enroll in the Gateway Voyage program in August of 2016. Gateway was the first of over 20 TMI programs I’ve had the joy of experiencing, some with one of my sons. In my 8th TMI course in December 2017—Discovery—I was introduced to SAM!

My body tingled, I felt like my body hair stood at attention, I felt breathless, and my mind took off into outer space or somewhere nameless that let me experience what I had never before experienced.

SAM (Spatial Angle Modulation™), the newest Monroe audio technology, is designed to complement Hemi-Sync in aiding listeners to enter the most effective brain-mind states in which transformative consciousness shifts can occur.

I had previously purchased a few SAM CDs in the bookstore. While they were good meditation exercises, they hadn’t helped provide any new or profound experiences for me at that time.

But, what I call the “new” SAM that I experienced in Discovery provided exactly that—new and profound experiences. My body tingled, I felt like my body hair stood at attention, I felt breathless, and my mind took off into outer space or somewhere nameless that let me experience what I had never before experienced. I’ve since been able to return on occasion to some of those places. They are blissful and full of peace, love, timelessness, excitement, incredible euphoria, and connectedness to all that is.

Such description is inadequate. I don’t possess the eloquence to verbally do it justice. Suffice it to say these experiences have been remarkable, and when I have to leave those magical realms and return to the physical present, I am teary-eyed and really don’t want to depart. The good news is that it’s certainly a fun return trip to look forward to.

I got to know Bob during the Discovery program and have the privilege of working with him to advance this extraordinary sound technology. I am delighted to lend my skills and knowledge to the process of taking SAM forward!

It’s important to note that the states I experienced are not present every time I am in the presence of SAM or Hemi-Sync tones. Tapping into the energy, setting intention, and using the tools learned in TMI courses are all factors in my achieving these states.

We are all different and it is normal to prefer SAM or Hemi-Sync or both. Both technologies certainly work for me. I have only positive things to say about each. I have experienced remarkable and unforgettable “trips” with SAM and Hemi-Sync and expect that to continue.

SAM tech was originally designed by Skip Atwater, TMI’s former president. Since then, Robert Holbrook, the Institute’s director of technology, has taken it forward through a series of upgrades. I got to know Bob during the Discovery program and have the privilege of working with him to advance this extraordinary sound technology. I am delighted to lend my skills and knowledge to the process of taking SAM forward!

We have the technology and knowledge to move SAM development from the present to the future and beyond ...

Through integration of SAM with technologies such as electroencephalograph (EEG) measurement of brainwaves and time correlation of these with specific meditation events, we are acquiring quantitative, valid, reliable, and credible comparative data to aid our efforts in the exploration of the frontiers of consciousness.  This, in turn, will generate healing and insightful products and will afford us a more solid standing in the fields of “hard” science.

We have the technology and knowledge to move SAM development from the present to the future and beyond, and to create many variable and viable products in the process.  But it takes time, funding, and dedication of purpose to take those steps.

This is only the beginning! I’m about to take “Discovery” for the 4th time.  Come join me.

Take a deep dive into the SAMosphere, Join us for the Discovery program at TMI! See how your brainwaves are reacting during expanded states of consciousness.

More about the Discovery program
Discovery: Combining Research and Consciousness Exploration at TMI

More about Jim Lewis
Consciousness Exploration—It’s Not Rocket Science: Jim Lewis’s Story 

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note: Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync®.
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Jim Lewis, PhD

Monroe Program Graduate