Recently, I’ve been having these “dreams” from time to time. I’m calling them dreams because they happen when I am asleep, but they seem much more like memories of a different dimension than they do conventional dreams. In fact, one of them happened last night which is what prompted me to write this. In these dreams, it’s like I remember a great secret I have long since forgotten. I feel I am so much more than my physical body—as if this dream is how it really feels to exist, and as if living in my physical body is an escape from the greatness of this other reality. I am so much more emotion and thought, too much to fit in this small little body of our physical world. I feel a greatness of knowing so much more than I know now and so much more emotion than I do when I am awake. 

Then, I wake up and, for a second, I feel enlightened. Then, I realize that it’s too much thought and emotion to process in my physical body. And as C1 waking consciousness creeps in, I suddenly forget what it’s like to know all that I know and to feel all that I feel, and suddenly, the world becomes more and more confusing. 

This dream helps me feel that we can, in fact, connect to a different level of consciousness while we are sleeping, one we have long since forgotten.

This dream comes to me from time to time. It helps me to solidify my belief that we are so much more than our physical bodies. I know it so well when I go into this dream state, and it dissipates quickly as I wake. But that fuzzy level of consciousness that exists before I am fully awake, that feeling of knowing, it stays with me for a time and allows me to know, with my whole heart and soul, that there is so much more out there. This dream helps me feel that we can, in fact, connect to a different level of consciousness while we are sleeping, one we have long since forgotten. This is a level of consciousness that I’ve never been able to explore while I am awake. 

There must be some greater awareness that I am connected to when I access that level of sleep, something beyond my current knowing.

Then, I wonder where I go when I have this dream. It doesn’t feel like a usual dream. There must be some greater awareness that I am connected to when I access that level of sleep, something beyond my current knowing. I haven’t figured out how to access it when I want to. It only comes to me when I least expect it, but I have decided to try and access it more frequently so I can eventually get a good grasp on this level of consciousness that I don’t currently understand. I am consciously making this an intention so it will become a part of my subconscious journeys. 

It [the dream] has shown me that there are levels of awareness I cannot yet access or control regularly. And it has given me not just the hope but the knowledge that there is so much more. 

Having this dream has shown me that there is so much more out there that I do not understand. It has shown me that there are levels of awareness I cannot yet access or control regularly. And it has given me not just the hope but the knowledge that there is so much more. 

I wanted to document this feeling before I forgot it again, and to use this writing as a tool to continue looking into these levels of consciousness that dreams can take us to—levels far beyond regular dreams and normal access. One day, I want to know much more. But, for now, I’ll continue playing until I discover what’s out there in our universe. 

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.