Monroe participants routinely tell of profound out-of-body experiences they’ve had during programs. And they’re not the only ones! Here, Allyn Evans and Fred Rible, trainers of Monroe virtual retreats and residential retreats, tell the tale of their shared OBE during a guided exercise at the Professional Seminar. Both have experienced classic, spontaneous OBEs and enjoy teaching others about it. 

Allyn’s story —

At the 2015 Professional Seminar, one of my functions was to manage our day-long Guided Exploration Day. Each seminar is an opportunity to introduce Professional, Board of Director and Board of Advisor members to new exercises using the latest Monroe audio tech. It’s always fascinating.

That year, one of the board members, Fred Rible, who is also a residential trainer and a dear friend of mine, was in attendance. As I was in the control room prepping for the first exercise, I realized someone needed to help me resolve an issue. I called a Monroe staffer and made the request, but I also let them know that I might be able to resolve it.

I settled into the control room and went through the “preflight” checklist to set up the scheduled exercises. One selection was a new SAM exercise called “Event Horizon” that our Director of Innovation, Bob Holbrook, had created for this special day. 

“Is everything okay?” and gave me a thumbs-up. Smiling, I nodded my head and returned the thumbs-up. 

After getting the members settled into their journeys, I focused my attention on the maintenance issue to see if it was fixable. It was! But I hadn’t had time to cancel my request for assistance when I heard a knock at the door.

The door slowly opened and I saw Larry peeking in. He had come to help. Because he wasn’t sure if the microphone was on or not, he used sign language and mouthed: “Is everything okay?” and gave me a thumbs-up. Smiling, I nodded my head and returned the thumbs-up. 

Fred’s story —

I have been a member of Monroe’s Professional Division (now Professional Association) since 2010 and have attended every Professional Seminar from then on. One of my favorite activities is the Guided Exercise Day. The 2015 Seminar was no exception. I prepared to experience the then-newest version of SAM, developed by Bob Holbrook, in an exercise titled “Event Horizon.”

My preparation for the exercise was typical, however, my experience proved to be anything but typical.

I immediately achieved a very deeply-relaxed state as I melded into pure bliss and let go of the physical. I was out “there” for a time. Next, I became fully aware of my physical surroundings. My viewpoint was high above Roberts Mountain Retreat center (RMR), where I lay in my CHEC unit, looking down upon the main campus. I marveled at how beautiful the three buildings looked. I’d never seen them like that before. I realized I was out of my body but still connected to the physical world, a phenomenon Bob Monroe described so well in "Journeys out of the Body."

... I returned to RMR and thought of checking on Allyn in the control room to see if I could get her attention. I immediately found myself at the control room entrance and attempted to get Allyn to look up ...

Knowing that “if I’m outside the physical, I can go anywhere,” I focused on my home in Southern California. I was instantly transported home and looked around. Nothing appeared remarkable, so I headed to the local hospital to visit a friend and his wife who were undergoing tests for cancer. Though I connected deeply with each of them, I didn’t seem to receive any recognition on the physical level.

Somewhat disappointed, I returned to RMR and thought of checking on Allyn in the control room to see if I could get her attention. I immediately found myself at the control room entrance and attempted to get Allyn to look up from the panel and acknowledge me. She looked up, turned towards me, smiled and gave me a “thumbs up.” I was exhilarated and excited to share that experience with Allyn as I returned to my body at the conclusion of the exercise.

Back in my CHEC unit, as I reflected on the experience and journaled, I realized I’d sensed a male presence around me that I did not actually “see,” as my focus was on Allyn. I was very curious about that presence as I wrote it all down.

... validation is so very sweet!

I waited for Allyn to join the group in the debriefing room and met her with an enormous grin. She seemed very puzzled by my smile as I related my experience and how she reacted to my presence. To my disappointment, Allyn said she recalled nothing of my presence in the control room.

Then I proceeded to tell her how I had entered the control room through the wall by the door and tried to draw her attention—that’d she’d responded with a thumbs up. I mentioned that I’d felt a male presence at that time but did not “see” it (him).

Then, Allyn told me about the maintenance problem, about Larry checking in, and the thumbs-up, which likely happened at the precise moment of my nonphysical visit with Allyn.

Aaah, validation is so very sweet!

Explore the out-of-body experience
through a spectrum of experiential techniques.
Join us for the next OBE Spectrum Virtual Retreat!

I am one of those people who didn’t so easily step into this magical world of OBEs, lucid dreams, projected consciousness and heightened intuitive abilities. I had to “work” at it. Actually, the reason I sought out the Monroe Institute was to learn how. My primary focus was on enhancing my intuitive abilities, I wanted to cut out the middle man! I had been repeatedly frustrated by authors and teachers who tried to teach me “how,” but let you know early on that they had been using their “gifts” since childhood. At some point I asked myself, “how can someone who came in at birth with “special” skills and abilities teach someone who had to develop those skills in adulthood?” That’s what led me to Monroe. Now ten years later, I have more than exceeded my expectations. When I am not training or teaching, I put my attention towards my energy healing practice. - Allyn Evans

My background is in finance and business and I’ve enjoyed successful careers in the US Navy, Defense Aerospace and as a small business owner. I am a retired Navy Captain. A spontaneous OBE in 1974 during surgery profoundly changed my perspective on life and I’ve been affiliated with Monroe since 1997 when I took the “Gateway Voyage” program. My Gateway experience convinced me of the value of Monroe programs in one’s spiritual development. Besides being a residential trainer for Monroe, I also run a local chapter of the Local Chapter Network in Southern California and am active in the Professional Association, Dolphin Energy Club and Outreach. I recently completed two terms with over 6 years on the Monroe Board of Directors. As an Energy healer/worker I perform volunteer healing touch with the medically fragile children who reside at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, California. - Fred Rible

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Leslie France

Monroe Projects Manager

Leslie’s current role with the Monroe Institute is Projects Manager. She writes and edits for TMI's social media, newsletter, website, and print publications. She contributes to event coordination and project development as needed. Leslie joined the Monroe Institute in 1986 and served in a variety of roles including Professional Division director and publications editor. She left in 1993 to work with New Visions and to launch BlueWebWeaver, offering training and support for Apple devices. In 2009 Leslie returned to Monroe.