People quest to The Monroe Institute for many reasons. Whether it’s OBEs, Guidance, Soul Retrievals, Healing, Remote Viewing, or Reading Robert Monroe’s books, the source is all the same—The Call of the Consciousness Wild! As sentient creatures of curiosity, it’s only a matter of time until we heed that call.

I had my share of spontaneous OBEs and recognized that a shift occurred in my consciousness during those events.

My call came loud and clear during childhood with many experiences that I couldn’t clearly explain or understand. I had my share of spontaneous OBEs and recognized that a shift occurred in my consciousness during those events. However, there were other experiences that didn’t require any transition from the waking world. For example, sometimes when I closed my eyes, I saw vignettes of events or situations in my eyelids, much like watching a trailer of a movie. Eventually, those visions would come to pass.

Occasionally an audible voice would offer me guidance, and three times the voice saved my life. I also noticed that whenever I looked at people, I could see the quality of their health. I didn’t look into the body like an MRI or X-ray, and I couldn’t see chakras or auras. Instead, I noticed textures in people’s appearance that correlated with each of the body’s organs and systems.

However, OBEs, eyelid nickelodeons, and biological textures were not trendy when I was a boy. I never heard anyone talk about phenomena such as these, and they weren’t discussed along with popular ESP topics such as telepathy, telekinesis, or psychometry. Other than science fiction movies and books, there were no educational resources available to a boy growing up in the Chicago suburbs during the 1960s and 70s. The nonfiction books about uncommon experiences that I read were hokey or poorly written. Without any perceptual sustenance, I simply had to find my own way in the wilderness. By the time I was in my early 20s, I was hungry.  

In 1987, although I then lived in Virginia, through a synchronistic series of events I found myself in Portland, Oregon, standing in the Looking Glass Bookstore with a copy of Journeys Out of the Body in my hands. Finally, a hearty meal of literature I could sink my teeth into and nourish my nonphysical appetite!

I noticed one focus level never received much laude or favor: Consciousness One or C-1, otherwise known as our everyday ordinary waking state.

The profundity of Bob’s book called me to attend the Gateway Voyage program in 1988. Hearing other people speak about experiences outside the ordinary frame of ESP galvanized my curiosity. For the first time, I also heard words such as Focus Levels, Phasing, I-There, and Escape Velocity. I listened to the Hemi-Sync® frequencies of Mind Awake and Body Asleep, Expanded Awareness, The State of No Time, and The Bridge Between the Physical and Nonphysical.

In 1998 I returned to TMI as a residential trainer. I quickly found that each of the Focus Levels had a fan base within the TMI community. “Focus 12 is the best!” “I love Focus 15!” “Focus 27 is where it’s at!”. Over the years I’d heard such flattery about the many frequencies of consciousness and with good reason. But I noticed one focus level never received much laude or favor: Consciousness One or C-1, otherwise known as our everyday ordinary waking state. Albeit temporal, C-1 is the focus level where human beings spend most of their time in the Earth Life System. As I continued to investigate consciousness and focus levels, exploring and developing my everyday conscious experiences became paramount.

In 2001, I found myself sitting in a clinical medical practice waiting to be tested for my diagnostic accuracy ...

In 2001, I found myself sitting in a clinical medical practice waiting to be tested for my diagnostic accuracy using the biological textures I had discovered as a boy. Since these textures are accessed from C-1 Consciousness, they can be applied on demand. After I had evaluated the patients that morning, the medical team determined that I was correct in every circumstance based on medical records. But what I remember most is what the medical team said to me after the evaluations. “If you are the only one who can see these body textures, thank you for stopping by today. However, if you can teach us and others how to see these textures, then we are very interested in working with you.”

I thought of Bob Monroe, the Institute, and Journeys Out of the Body. Bob could have easily finished his career with writing a book about his unique experiences for others to read and marvel. But instead, he designed a system and technology of exploration available to all people. He anchored his discoveries in C-1 Consciousness that will live on!

I spent the next sixteen months at that medical office.

I often compare Hemi-Sync® with the discovery of electricity in the late 1800s. Initially, electricity powered the light bulb and was predominately used to illuminate city streets. Approximately forty years later in the early 20th century, electricity burst into multiple applications with the advent of electrical appliances. Nowadays, with only a small electrically powered device in our hands, we can instantly speak to any human being just about anywhere on the planet.

This year marks the forty-year anniversary of the Nancy Penn Center and the twenty-year anniversary of Roberts Mountain Retreat. Bob Monroe has illuminated the road to maturity, the highway to wisdom, and the interstate to freedom. As The Monroe Institute turns forty this year, I am excited about the value to be revealed in the coming years.   

Join John Kortum for his 1-day/2-night program, The Kortum Technique, and discover the human body’s natural language for healing.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries, dba Hemi-Sync.


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John Kortum

Monroe Residential Trainer

John Kortum is a self-taught medical intuitive, author and teacher of his medical perception technique. He has been evaluated with 93% accuracy by a Clinical Professor of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. John has demonstrated his medical intuition on the Dr. Oz Show, A&E Biography Channel, ABC News, NBC News, and FOX News. By adapting his discoveries to conventional medical language, he teaches doctors and nurses how to perceive the human body's natural organ indicators, and substantiates a heuristic for health care professionals to apply the Kortum Technique in their clinical patient practice. He has over 25 years of experience leading workshops and has been a residential trainer at the Monroe Institute® since 1998.