I would be lying if I didn’t admit that 2023 had been quite the doozy for me, as I’m sure was for many. My years are usually full of focus and clear, intention-based meditations. I’m typically laser-focused on what I want for myself each year, but 2023 started in tragedy and only continued to grow in difficulty from there. I couldn’t find my intentions, let alone meditate on them. When things get this hard, it can be worth it to recognize that healing may be the best intention to hold. I finally realized that I needed to turn my intentions toward healing myself mentally and spiritually, and it was just in time to discover the Expand app’s new multi-day journeys.

You heard right! There are now several multi-day journeys for you to try out in Expand, to guide you through several days of meditation carefully planned out in a way to help you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. While exploring these new meditation journeys, I discovered “A Healing Journey” and knew it was what I needed most. So, I took out my headphones and began day one with the first exercise.

When things get this hard, it can be worth it to recognize that healing may be the best intention to hold. 

The first exercise was the perfect start to this adventure, as it helps you to wake up and start your day with gratitude and a positive mindset. We can easily forget how simple it is to just begin the day in a positive headspace. How we perceive the world around us really does color our daily journeys, and this was proof of that for me. By waking up in joy and gratitude, I found the quality of my days improving tremendously right off the bat.

I continued to do the first exercise throughout the remainder of this five-day journey, as it was quick and effective enough for me to want to repeat it daily. Day two had me adding a session to release that which no longer serves me—an important key to healing that is often missed. We can’t move forward to be our best selves without letting go of the pain, the conflict, and the old habits that no longer serve us. Whatever the matter may be, holding on to it keeps us from experiencing our best lives. Acknowledging these outworn things and letting them go is one of the most important parts of any healing journey, so I continued this exercise daily as the week progressed.

We can’t move forward to be our best selves without letting go of the pain, the conflict, and the old habits that no longer serve us. Whatever the matter may be, holding on to it keeps us from experiencing our best lives.

The following three days continued with different healing exercises. I have to say, the universe truly does send us what we need most when we least expect it. When I was lost and hurting, these multi-day journeys became available. I don’t usually think much about healing meditations, but this one called to me, and it was exactly what I needed. By going on this healing journey in Expand, I was able to awaken each day in a better mindset, reconnect with my gratitude, rid myself of that which no longer serves, and work through the pain and anguish I was holding on to. It’s not an easy feat, but if you commit to it and work through the pain, you can come out stronger and better for it. I’m so glad I took this time for myself. 

Sometimes we need a reminder to stop and take care of ourselves. So, I encourage you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and connect back with yourself.  Make yourself a priority. What do you need right now? The Expand app is one of the best tools available to sort out what’s essential to regain and maintain your well-being.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.