I have been growing and developing since the day I became “aware” as I was swinging on the family swing in our back yard. I was 4 years old. I know this as all my older brothers and sisters were off to school.

As I was swinging … I can distinctly remember asking myself this question: “I wonder what’s out there?” The feeling that I had was one of extreme curiosity …

I can remember that I kept trying to swing as high as I could to look over the tops of the small trees that provided a border between our yard and the neighbor’s yard. My dad had poured cement and placed the legs of the swing firmly into that mixture so that we could swing as high as we wanted without getting hurt.

As I was swinging and getting a peek of the neighborhood, I can distinctly remember asking myself this question: “I wonder what’s out there?” The feeling that I had was one of extreme curiosity and that I thought I’d like to spend my life looking for all the adventures that were out there that I could.

So I have.

I have known my guides and guardians since I was 5 years old. I’ve been aware of my psychic abilities since the 6th grade, and I had a near-death experience (NDE) on July 17, 1997.

I have known my guides and guardians since I was 5 years old. I’ve been aware of my psychic abilities since the 6th grade, and I had a near-death experience (NDE) on July 17, 1997. My friends have called me a mystic, magical, and a forever curious learner.

Since I retired as a college professor in May of 2015, I have participated in other programs of consciousness awareness and development that involved breathing techniques and one with the use of halogen lights. These programs and experiences were the groundwork that I needed before I came to Monroe.

I learned that the Monroe Institute uses sound frequencies to “get you there.” This intrigued me.

That sense of adventure, curiosity and intrigue led me to the Monroe Institute. I took my Gateway Voyage program in April of 2018. As of today, I have also participated in Guidelines, MC Squared (MC2), the Near-Death Experience and Tom Campbell's My Big TOE at Monroe.

I loved reading and learning about Robert Monroe’s life and experiences. My heart was thrilled to learn Bob was a glider pilot, as I’m a fixed-wing student pilot. I’ve taken 3 of my 5 programs up at Roberts Mountain Retreat and feel like I’m coming home every time I arrive.

My Gateway trainers Deryn Winchester and Paul Elder were outstanding and patient as I was learning how to navigate through the Focus levels.

Deryn and her husband Steve Winchester are Monroe Outreach Trainers for the Arizona region and Local Chapter Leaders for the Phoenix area. I’ve “soared” learning and participating in their monthly meetings.

Paul Elder was also the trainer for my Guidelines program in Canada. I learned so much from him and got to meet my guides in a little different manner than usual. We actually got to do some important work together that I wouldn’t have known about without this program.

Tom Campbell’s My Big TOE program opened up a whole new non-physical matter reality world for me and I had a major healing event there.

That led me to the MC Squared (MC2) program with Joe Gallenberger and Miranda Stopforth. They taught me PK (psychokinesis) abilities such as spoon bending (I DO love to bend spoons), turning on fluorescent lights with just my hands, how to influence dice (I attended Joe’s “Inner Vegas” workshop at the end of September), and growing seeds using our energy, which I’m NOT very good at.

Tom Campbell’s My Big TOE program opened up a whole new non-physical matter reality world for me and I had a major healing event there. It’s the one program that I took at the Nancy Penn Center. It was at this program that I met and talked with Scott Taylor, President and Executive Director of the Monroe Institute.

Scott and I shared our NDE experiences and then he personally invited me to his NDE residential retreat. I would have never attended the program, as I have had my own very real NDE but, Scott took time from his extremely busy schedule to explain how he thought I could benefit from the program. That really impressed me.

Coming out of a Hemi-Sync® meditation exercise I was doing at home last spring, I got a “download” to start a podcast called “Exploring Consciousness.” I asked Scott if I could interview him for the Monroe portion of the podcast. He agreed and I decided that I would attend both the September 2019 Near-Death Experience retreat and arrange to interview Scott.

So I did.

I can honestly declare that these programs have increased my non-physical reality exploration, reawakened and allowed me to embrace my old and new psychic abilities, and exponentially improved my life.

The small classes and world-class trainers make the Monroe experience like no others. I highly recommend any of the Monroe Institute programs and suggest it would be best to start with Gateway Voyage.

Good luck exploring, all of you curious adventurers!

Not all who wander, are lost.

What’s out there is beyond belief.

Expand. Discover. Explore. Know.

 For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

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Donna Rebadow

Monroe Program Graduate