My mother, Nancy Penn Monroe, was married to Robert Monroe for 24 years. Mother had a great love of dolphins. In 1991 she came to love them even more. At that time, Mom found out she had breast cancer and, along with conventional chemo treatments, she began using dolphin energy for her own healing. On one particular occasion, due to a chemo delivery accident, she watched in alarm as her hand swelled. Sitting with her friend and TMI Explorer, Shay St. John, they visualized seven energy dolphins flowing through her bloodstream. The two friends sat quietly asking the dolphins to devour the excess chemo and watched in amazement as my mother's hand swelling went down.

Dolphin energy has the frequency of JOY, of MOVEMENT, of CREATING FLOW, flow of LOVE, flow of ABUNDANCE, and an OPENING OF THE HEART.

Several Internet sources have published the following:

It is widely known that dolphin energy has the frequency of JOY, of MOVEMENT, of CREATING FLOW, flow of LOVE, flow of ABUNDANCE, and an OPENING OF THE HEART.

The Upledger Foundation sponsored a pilot project to study the effects of providing CranioSacral Therapy (CST) to patients while in the presence of, and in direct physical contact with, dolphins. The study reported, “Patient response to these treatments was quite significant and included a substantial reduction in pain, increased ease in breathing, greater general relaxation and specific reduction of hypertonicity, enhanced strength and flexibility, increased appetite, and more restful sleep.” A dolphin's healing influence has also been known to transcend so that it isn’t necessary to be in their physical presence to be healed.1

Benefits of dolphin healing include—

  • Greater self-love and self-acceptance
  • Healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental & spiritual
  • Deep inner peace
  • Profound inner joy
  • Permission to PLAY!
  • Harmonious relationships
  • Increased self-responsibility—the strength and trust to speak your truth and to stand on your own two feet in the world
  • Increased connection to the natural world
  • More freedom; less fear in life
  • Manifestation of your deepest heart’s desires
  • Unity-Community

Thousands of people have been supported through DEC members' focused concentration and intention.

Bob Monroe was inspired by the parallels between the reported effects of dolphin sonar and the effects of binaural beat frequencies. It didn't take long for Mom, Bob, and Shay St. John and her husband Al Sears, to brainstorm the Dolphin Energy Club (DEC). Thousands of people have been supported through DEC members' focused concentration and intention. I know that my mother is smiling about this (from over "There!") and sends her love and support to the many who ask DEC for help.  

You can join the more than one hundred DEC members from around the world to support emotional and physical health and wellness. You will receive special downloadable DEC training audio exercises which guide you through the process of facilitating dolphin energy and healing. You may also submit a DEC healing request for yourself or someone who has given their permission here.

1. Cochrane A, Callen K. Dolphins and Their Power to Heal. Rochester, NY: Healing Arts Press; 1992

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.