In my experiences, where I choose to meditate affects several aspects of my meditation session. In fact, I’ve noticed that the right location can shape my experience by allowing me to connect much more easily with my higher self and more easily access expanded states of consciousness. I find this especially true when I meditate in natural environments, such as down by the water. Nature is something that I feel a strong connection with, perhaps because we, as humans, are animals or maybe just because I grew up in a small community in the woods. But I really do find that nature helps me relax and connect with ease.  

Spending time by the water immediately allowed me to connect with a greater energy much more quickly than I could have in my own home.

I found this to be especially true this week when I was working in Kauai. I discovered several hidden beaches. Spending time by the water immediately allowed me to connect with a greater energy much more quickly than I could have in my own home. I was able to connect with different Focus levels with ease, even without access to Monroe audio support.

Each time I begin meditating in a new environment, I can easily sense and feel how different people live in those places, and can envision that life for myself … for a time. One of these locations from the past week was the Queen’s Bath off the northern shore of Kauai. I sat on a rock at the Queen’s Bath after a pretty messy and nature-infused experience down a muddy trail, and I felt an instant connection to a higher presence of energy all around me. I could sense the history of the location where I was meditating. I could feel the energy on a much higher level, and I felt a great light inside of myself. Here’s a journal entry from that experience:

I feel that, as I sit in nature, I find myself looking more inwards at who I am and why I am here. Who am I? I am energy. I feel the energy from the past Queens who bathed here. I feel the energy of the waves crashing against the rocks and splashing onto me. I feel the energy of everyone here shining, having such a great time. There are locations on this earth that have more of an energy footprint than others, and this is a place with such a strong energetic glow. I can feel the energy from the water swirling around my feet. I can feel the energy of the water splashing against the rocks and bouncing onto my skin. I can feel the energy of the children jumping off the rocks into the pool. I can even feel the fish dancing around my feet. There is so much energy here. And I sense the energy inside myself connect with it. I sense my energy making waves in the energy around me, each wave of energy fluidly moving along the coast.
I can see how easily we are all connected on this energetic level, and I can easily see how I can make waves and affect those around me—the nature, the people, even those I haven’t met. I want to make waves. I want to affect the lives of others for the better. What’s my purpose? To make waves. I feel a light inside of me, and it’s very bright. I think I may have forgotten about the light, but she came back to me. I remember how brightly I want to shine. What’s the purpose of this world if not to shine as brightly as possible? If not to send my waves to others?
I am energy, I am light. Why wouldn’t I shine bright and make waves? If I don’t, my existence will be overshadowed.

Honestly, it was the most powerful meditation experience that I’ve had in quite some time. The energy of the water, the ocean, and the power of nature really catapulted my meditation to the next level. So, where you meditate really can make a huge difference in your experience.

My meditation definitely benefits from a nice session outdoors. Try your next session in a comfortable natural environment, even if it’s just your own backyard.

I encourage you to visit a spot in nature, or try out different locations, to meditate and see what resonates best with you. My meditation definitely benefits from a nice session outdoors. Try your next session in a comfortable natural environment, even if it’s just your own backyard. It can be a fun experiment to record how you connect with your higher self in different locations. Logging this information can help you figure out the perfect environment for your regular meditation journey.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.