Being trained and "certified" in many modalities, I had developed quite a few unique intuitive gifts and skills. But I was still desperately seeking an explanation for who I am; a nice left-brained cardboard box in which I would comfortably "fit," so that I could quit flapping around in the wind and figure out what the heck I was becoming and what to do with it all.

It was around 1997 when Robert Monroe's books found their way to me. I read them like a chocolate addict gobbling a half-pound bag of M&Ms.

Maybe I should give you a bit about me and then I'll move on. I am a psychic medium, interspecies communicator, paranormal researcher for over thirty-five years, medical intuitive, healing facilitator, end of life "coach," remote viewer, hypnotherapist, Reiki master/teacher, Silva graduate, grief counselor, psychometrist, labyrinth facilitator, and author. In the “real” world I have been a flight attendant for a major American airline since 1986 (keeps me grounded).

OK, moving on … It was around 1997 when Robert Monroe's books found their way to me. I read them like a chocolate addict gobbling a half-pound bag of M&Ms. Bob's books resonated with many truths for me. Bob had researched and discovered many areas and states of consciousness; he pieced it all together, creating The Monroe Institute. Through his books, Bob permitted me to BE.

I wanted more.

That was the beginning of twenty years and roughly thirty Monroe programs to date. Each program has been powerfully instrumental in me becoming who and what I am today, and I am grateful beyond measure. I have permitted myself to BE. It’s like attending Hogwarts school of magic and wizardry, or going to Disneyworld after dark and having the entire park to myself—to go BE curious, go play, safely BE wherever my intention and imagination leads me. 

I wrote the "meat" of one of my books, “DROP the BS (belief systems) and BE,” while attending a program at TMI in 2015. Nonfiction, every word true. “DROP” tells stories of powerful psychic experiences that I kept inside for fifteen years, never sharing with even family or friends. The culmination of my adventures at TMI and Bob's work gave me courage, wrapped in a loving blanket of safety, to put my story into words. Bob and TMI permitted me to just BE (Blissfully Expansive).

While attending the recent Near-Death Experience Intensive program at TMI with Scott Taylor and Charleene Nicely, I received a request from my publisher. They wanted the final manuscript ASAP for a holiday release of the book. I worked on the book when I could, while experiencing NDE, one of the most powerful programs I have ever done at TMI.

I decided that, during each audio exercise, I would energetically embed into the book manuscript the powerful energies of TMI, the incredible courage and heart of this particular NDE group, as well as the beauty of nature surrounding TMI. I could "see" the revised book enveloped in all of this magnificence like a swirling iridescent bubble of consciousness. It’s a way I can offer readers something different to contemplate, just a glimpse of the profound energies of TMI.

TMI has helped me to fine-tune my psychic gifts, as well as allowed my imagination to safely go and play and create word pictures that I hope will help my readers find their levels of "beingness."

There isn't any one program I can credit my "expansion" to, although my hands-down favorite is Starlines l. On one level, the subject of the programs almost doesn't matter—it’s what grabs my attention, what gets me there. All programs have a common element—Consciousness. How we play the game is up to each of us and our inner guidance system. Drop the belief system and BE!

We may sleep a lot or "click-out" during audio exercises throughout the week, and feel as if we’re not “getting it” or that we’re missing something. When that happens, I know I’m receiving whatever is appropriate for me, in the perfect time for me, whether or not I realize it in the moment. Also, the body may need the rest or sleep while my nonphysical self is off adventuring.

Most of my downloads and information don't even fully hit me until days or even weeks after a program. I "marinate to integrate."

Scott encouraged us to simply "Go with what you get."

During an exercise, I may head off in some direction that’s seemingly unrelated to the stated purpose of the exercise. I do that a lot. I simply go with whatever presents itself; wherever my awareness leads me.

Epiphanies are delicious creatures. They come when we are ready. And the "Aha" moments are heavenly.

"Aha" moments abound at Monroe!

Join us for an unforgettable dive into your deepest adventure.

 For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

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Keli Adams

Professional Division Member

For over 30 years, Keli has used her powerful gifts, with intense study, training and decades of experience, in many diverse healing modalities, to help people heal on very deep levels. She is a Reiki master/teacher, hypnotherapist, medical intuitive, has had intense training in Matrix Energetics, the Reconnection, NLP, remote viewing, Silva Method, astral travel, many scientific intensives at The Monroe Institute (exploring expanded states of consciousness - {without drugs}), to name a few of her "creds." She is very good at what she does, delivering profound healing to clients in her own quirky, compassionate and VERY humorous style. She has also been a flight attendant with a major US airline since 1986. Says it keeps her "grounded." Keli has also written 7 far.