As I began my personal experience in the Exploration 27 program, I went in with the idea that it was the prerequisite for Starlines. I had spent a bit of time in Focus 27 during Lifeline, but I wasn’t completely sure what to expect in this program dedicated mostly to Focus 27. Well, I was quickly blown away when I found myself asking the hard questions and, somehow, receiving answers back with ease.

Exploration 27 was a deep, introspective and existential whirlwind for me. Before the program began, I wasn't sure I was ready to dive into Focus 27 and Focus 34/35 and to ask what the meaning of my life was, let alone the meaning of our world, but I found myself doing just that. And, gosh, it didn’t hold back.

Right off the bat, I found myself getting important life lessons that are relevant for me now.

But let’s start at the beginning of my journey. The first day had us getting reacquainted with familiar Focus levels. As we began these “reset” exercises, I found myself setting clear intentions, so I didn’t get caught up doing nothing in the Focus levels I regularly visit. After all, the more used we are to something, the more we can easily tune out or not see the value in it. Because of that, I find that when I am doing these “reset” exercises, it is imperative for me to set intentions for each meditation.

In the Education Center, I was reminded to connect with my inner child, I was given another lesson on the physics behind the metaphysics, and I was able to look at relevant problems and questions from different perspectives.

Right off the bat, I found myself getting important life lessons that are relevant for me now. I was clearly shown that I need to start putting myself first. (Yes, I know this already, but I really do need to get beaten over the head with it.) I got messages about learning to be unapologetically myself, and I saw a clear view of where I should be heading in my immediate future. In other words, my guidance started off strong.

Shortly after that, I found myself gaining even more intimate and universal lessons in Focus 27. In the Education Center, I was reminded to connect with my inner child, I was given another lesson on the physics behind metaphysics, and I was able to look at relevant problems and questions from different perspectives. In the Healing and Rejuvenation Center, I was even able to work through and heal some rough past life trauma that has been haunting me for lifetimes, all through learning to shift my perspective.

In what seemed like no time, I found myself near the end of an extremely eventful and pretty life-changing week, standing before some unknown gathering in F34/35 asking the big questions. As I meditated in these much higher Focus levels, I found myself sitting with my iPad in my lap, and it has a keyboard attached to it. As a writer, I don’t need to look at the keys, so I just allowed the answers to flow through me in these higher Focus levels and down through my fingertips onto the keyboard and, inevitably, onto the page.

As I was guided to in Focus 34/35, I found myself asking, “Who can I speak with here?”
Words casually came forth in my mind, “You can speak with me. My name is Charles.”
“Can you tell me more about the gathering?” I asked. 
“The Gathering is a collection of intelligences from all over the universe. We are watching the earth system. We are learning, guiding and ensuring everything goes to the universal plan.” Said Charles.
“Who has the Universal plan?”
“It exists in all of us. And it presents itself to us as we need it. If we know too much at once, we will disconnect from the lives we live on earth. So, we are baby fed what we need when we need it.”
“What’s my relationship to the Gathering?” *
“Sometimes, our guides come here to get a better perspective on us. Those who have loved you have passed through and those guiding you now sometimes come for your own benefit, for your guidance. Please continue your training and continue to be unapologetically yourself. We’d like to see you grow into your potential as you have many lives before.” 
“Have you entered the Earth life before, Charles?” I continued. 
“Absolutely. How do you think I got the name Charles?” Clearly, Charles has a sense of humor. 
“How many people here have come from Earth?”
“Too many to count ... but not all. Just some.”
“What’s your true identity? Where is your consciousness anchored?” 
“We are beyond physical matter at this time ... rather, in between, perhaps. We have come from other life systems across the universe.”
“What is your interest here?”
“Watching and keeping a balance to the universal ways. We watch and enjoy; however, sometimes we have to intervene to make sure you don’t knock the big picture out of line, as we watch many systems, not just yours. We rarely have to intervene, but it’s amusing to watch all the same.”
“Is there any other message you’d like me to know?” 
“Life is a gift, so don’t take it too seriously. Continue to play and hold onto that childlike wonder. Live each moment. It’s too dull to waste it on things you don’t like.”

The messages that just effortlessly shaped out of my fingers onto my Word document that day still rattle my brain. There are so many lessons I learned from Exploration 27, personally and universally, and many of them are well articulated in that interesting conversation I had with whoever “Charles” was in the Gathering that day.

I realized that I am at a very important crossroads in my life. I need to focus more on myself while also learning to listen to the messages the universe is sending to me.

As I spent more time reflecting on all my experiences in Exploration 27 and bringing them all together in my mind, I realized that I am at a very important crossroads in my life. I need to focus more on myself while also learning to listen to the messages the universe is sending to me. I am extremely open to the signals from all these focus levels, but my left brain shuts it out at work, and I am unfulfilled because I’m not allowing myself to use my right brain enough. I was reminded to accept it. Love it. Shine. Listen to the signals of the universe.

I quickly understood this was no accident. I was right where I was supposed to be this week in Exploration 27, experiencing this slingshot of important emotions. I was guided to listen to them. Learn from them. Right before I left 34/35 for the last time, I clearly saw a door in front of me with marble stairs leading up to it. And I opened the door ... and there was oblivion, stars and a sense of peace; a sense of knowing that I will live the life destined for me.

And I felt much more enlightened, much more connected to everything and everyone, and much more relaxed and confident as I left my group on that final day.

Whatever the deeper meanings, I felt liberated after my experiences in X27. I fearlessly asked the big questions and openly received the answers. I focused on the smaller, more detailed problems that I have been facing to help make my life better now. And I felt much more enlightened, much more connected to everything and everyone, and much more relaxed and confident as I left my group on that final day. Exploration 27 was a real unexpected treat for me, and I hope you will all get to experience it for yourselves.


* Read more about the Gathering in “Far Journeys” by Robert A. Monroe.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.