We all know that when experiencing a string of bad “luck,” one of the worst things to do is succumb to a bad attitude or negative mindset.

By now, most of us know that we create our perception of the world—for better or for worse. So when life appears to deal us a bad hand of cards, feeling sorry for ourselves doesn’t help or fix anything. However, keeping our heads up during a string of bad luck can be extremely difficult.

I faced quite a bit of bad luck throughout the beginning of this year, and the last thing my ego wanted me to do was handle it gracefully. But I breathed in, released the negativity, and did my best to rise above it. 

When things get bad, perhaps with no end in sight, we can turn our attention to the Law of Attraction and energize the positive. What do I mean? Well, the more we focus on each seemingly negative thing that comes our way and the more we feed the energy of a negative mindset—the more we begin to perceive negatives all around us. The more we focus on the bad, the more we attract it to ourselves.

That creates a dangerous “victim mentality.” The more we see ourselves as victims, the more we begin to believe that we are victims in every situation. Then, BAM! We are victims. We have turned ourselves into victims time and time again simply by believing we are, and by focusing on the bad rather than the good. The opposite happens when we focus on the positives.

When things get bad, perhaps with no end in sight, we can turn our attention to the Law of Attraction and energize the positive.

So, instead of accepting victimhood, try turning your mindset into a positive one. If life isn’t going so well for you at any given time, you can always change it. You are the master of your own life. If you are not happy at your work no matter what you do, you CAN change that. It’s in your power to find new work, or transform your picture of what your job can be. It just takes a different way of looking at life.

I know it’s much harder said than done to pull a positive mindset out of a string of bad luck. But while you can’t control every circumstance, per se, you can control your attitude. Here’s what I did to change my attitude when bad news after bad news was pouring in to me earlier this year—

My first instinct was to cry, succumb to the negativity and soak in the defeat. But that wasn’t going to do me or anyone else any good at all. So instead, I focused on the positive of each situation. If bad news came in, I tried to see if there was any good or positivity I could glean from the situation. If so, I focused on how I could improve and grow that positivity. For instance, no one wants to receive a hefty surprise supplemental property tax bill, but when it comes in and you have the money, at least you can express joy in the fact that you could afford the surprise trouble. And, following that up with an “abundance” meditation from the Expand app, where you express gratitude for the abundance you have and visualize more coming in, is the graceful way to handle that situation.

Waking up to start my day in a good mindset was also crucial to changing my attitude and, therefore, the way I react to things. I made sure that I meditated each morning with either one of my own personal gratitude exercises or with an exercise in the Expand App. (I really enjoyed the “Expressing Gratitude” exercise in the app).

If you wake up from a place of gratitude and joy, which can easily be cultivated by meditating, your whole view throughout the day changes. Then, if you get hit by a surprise, it’s harder to break through that protective barrier of mental or emotional strength that your meditation built around you, especially if you’re using tools like your REBAL.

If bad news came in, I tried to see if there was any good or positivity I could glean from the situation. If so, I focused on how I could improve and grow that positivity.

Then, there’s the Law of Attraction. The mind is a powerful tool, and the more you understand the Law of Attraction, the better your life can become. We tend to attract what we put out into the universe. So, if you’re soaking in the negativity and focusing on it, it’s likely that you’ll attract more. However, when you feed the energy of gratitude, abundance and positivity, you’ll attract that to yourself.

So, what are you looking to attract? If you remember the Law of Attraction and focus on your positive intentions when bad things come in, it may just be easier for you to keep your head up during a string of bad luck.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into the Law of Attraction amplified with the power of Monroe Sound Science, you’ll be thrilled to know that the Monroe Institute offers a Law of Attraction program.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.